View Full Version : i folder upload formats?

Jeff Harper
January 8th, 2010, 09:11 AM
A client needs to upload video to i folder and I am trying to determine the correct format to deliver her the video so that she may upload.

The site is Russian, and I can't read anything there, and she is technically chanllenged. My job is to give her the video in the correct format, and I can be done with it, I will let her deal with getting it uploaded. I'm delivering it to her on a disc.

The video is SD 16:9 and three minutes long. Any thoughts?

Marty Welk
January 8th, 2010, 10:40 AM
Russia uses SECAM mostly.
in DIGITAL (not analog) secam has similar resolution/frameRate to pal type stuff and so basically if it was DVD it would be PAL style. And many pal users can play NTSC anyways, so all that would have to come from her.
Of course your doing a net transport so not much of that matters.
any computer can play the data of either, depending only on if they have the codec on the system.

Format? I believe Ifolder is just a Data server, it will not be showing the video itself, the person your sending it to, very smartly IMO has chosen to just transfer the video and play it on thier OWn computer without some web plugin thing, all you have to do is supply it in any of the normal codecs.

as far as upload, Guess :-) hit browse , Find the file on your computer, hit the cyan colored text under browse and it will upload to the server, add in your comments, then do a google translate when your lost.
do a test upload of a small file so you dont waste your time and thier bandwidth, When you get to the last page, which will show "links" that will be easy to see as links, you have succeded, grab the top link and send it off to her, then HOPE :-)
looks like there is also a E-mail notification item in there around where you put in comments, that is probably what it is for.

if you get to frustrated with the translation, upload it to megaupload or adrive or fastfile or one of the hundreds of english speaking ones, then write down the exact Buttons the person would have to push to get it back off the server. it would (generally) be easier to download off a server blind, then to upload to a server blind, but you can do it.
you probably want to keep the size of the file reasonable, (generally) under 1Gig or less than 1G pieces.