Kent Beeson
January 5th, 2010, 06:29 PM
So is there a difference or advantage using SONY's XDcam Transfer over just using FCP 7.0.1's Log and Transfer?
View Full Version : SONY vs FCP7's log and transfer? Kent Beeson January 5th, 2010, 06:29 PM So is there a difference or advantage using SONY's XDcam Transfer over just using FCP 7.0.1's Log and Transfer? Thanks K Olof Ekbergh January 5th, 2010, 06:37 PM Here are some good answers: Kent Beeson January 5th, 2010, 06:53 PM Thanks for the link - seems like FCP 7 might be faster... William Graydon January 5th, 2010, 11:48 PM youll need to download the log and transfer plug in from sony in order to log and transfer through fcp. Matt Davis January 6th, 2010, 10:40 AM seems like FCP 7 might be faster... FCP7 uses the bones of XDCAM Transfer app in its plugin, so the actual physical transfer of bits through the wrapping procedure will be the same, but you won't be batch naming your clips or embedding useful info, so yes - from card insertion to editing will be faster. But you can go one step faster by using CalibratedQ's plugins, which enable you to import footage still on the card, edit it and export elsewhere. 'Faster' has lots of interpretations. Mike Chandler January 7th, 2010, 08:33 AM FCP7 uses the bones of XDCAM Transfer app in its plugin, so the actual physical transfer of bits through the wrapping procedure will be the same, but you won't be batch naming your clips or embedding useful info, so yes - from card insertion to editing will be faster. But you can go one step faster by using CalibratedQ's plugins, which enable you to import footage still on the card, edit it and export elsewhere. 'Faster' has lots of interpretations. Matt--I don't know if what you meant was that if you use fcp 7, you won't be able to rename, but if that's the case, it's incorrect. FCP7 has better logging capabilities than XDCT, and you don't need to go through all the steps of using Shotput either. It's been a while since I last used XDCT, but my biggest problem was not being able to hang onto the original file name in FCP. In the new FCP you can keep the original file name while at the same time putting in your own custom name that gets numbered sequentially. Yes, you can do the latter in XDCT, but to keep the original name, you need to cut and paste it inidividually in the Comment column where it will then show up in the Logging column in fcp. With the new L&T, you can add any number of combinations of re-naming, but the most important (for me, anyway) is to take a shot, named say 04091234, rename it Cowboy1 and keep the 04091234 next to it (I'd prefer being able to put it in a separate column, but I'll take this) and do that for all the following shots in the series, (e.g., 04091235 gets renamed as Cowboy2 04091235, etc . I add spacers after the Cowboyx so I don't have to look at the orig name in the fcp timeline and can narrow the column to hide it as well --but it's there if I need to go back to the original shot. I prefer the ergonomics of XDCT, but will stick with L&T until XDCT has these capabilities. As for "faster", I did a test comparing the two and rejected L&T before, because it was 1/3 slower. Now it's about twice as fast. |