Luc De Wandel
January 5th, 2010, 02:19 AM
I'm trying to burn a bluray disk in a burner connected to a Mac Pro. The HD movie is edited in FCP, and exported to Quicktime, using Prores422 1920x1080, 25p. The Quicktime movie looks allright, but it takes Roxio Toast 10 five hours to transcode the QT to something the burner can burn. Should I make my QT movie in a different format, other than Prores422 to gain speed in transcoding to Bluray? Which format would be best suited?
Steve Rotter
January 6th, 2010, 09:05 AM
I'm going down this path now as well. I would suggest file / export out of final cut pro using quicktime conversion. i believe that's what it's called. anyway, that will export to an H.264 file, for use in blu ray. that should work, but not sure to what extent it will take toast to convert, if it converts at all? H.264 is what to use for blu ray. let me know since i should be trying to do this myself this weekend. i am looking at other alternatives to toast. i am also going to try burning to blu ray right from fcp timeline via the share option.