View Full Version : DCR-SR33 Video problem !
Mathias Svedberg January 3rd, 2010, 10:25 AM Hi i dont know if this is the right place to ask for this !
I have an Sony DCR-SR33 and i have no A/V cable to get the video out to my TV
So i found out that the 10 pin connecter info:
1 Audio
5 S-C
6 Audio
9 Video
10 S-Y
I did open the Handycam Station and toke an RCA cable and toke pin 8 GND and pin 9 video
I did hope that i got the videosignal But i did not get any thing, Only the sound
So the question is IS it any more of the 10 pins i have to connect to get the videosignal out ? ( Composite )
Cose i get 0.00V between pin 8 GND and 9 Video
Pin 9 is an Video in/out
Maby why i dont get any ?
I hope some one in here can help
Chris Soucy January 3rd, 2010, 03:41 PM Well, the bad news is I have neither the camera nor a service manual so cannot confirm the pin out you have supplied.
The good news is I think you can get this sorted without too much trouble.
Let us assume the pinout assignments you supplied is correct.
The issue is how is the connector pinout arranged?
Is it: 1 2 3 4 5 OR: 1 3 5 7 9
*** 10 9 8 7 6 *** 2 4 6 8 10
Or one of the two flipped versions of either?
If it's the first I can see some symetry in the arrangement thus:
1 Audio Left, 3 Ground, 5 S Video,
10 S video, 8 Ground, 6 Audio Right
which leaves 9 the odd man out with the video.
If it's the second there's still symetry, try it on a piece of paper.
So, as only you know what pins you got the audio from, with that info you should be able to work out the correct pinout.
Once you've definately established either of the grounds, you're home - check it out using the two wires from the AV cable going to the telly, as it's Composite that's all it takes - Ground and Video.
Has that helped any?
I had a sod of a time trying to get those numbers for the pinout to align because of the format changes between the post page and finished, Ignore the stars and it should make sense.
Hmm, found this buried in the bowels of DVinfo, hope it links:
Now you know. Tells you how to hook up a Lanc to boot.
This place just never ceases to amaze me.
Before you go, please check out this post:
As you speak the language. Please rate it.
Mathias Svedberg January 4th, 2010, 06:23 AM The picture you linked to is the one i have also
But i got no video on 8 - 9
What is Lanc doing ?
you say boot ? for what ?
is lanc needed to let the video out on pin 9 ?
Chris Soucy January 4th, 2010, 01:15 PM Lanc was implemented on some of the later/ higher end cameras using the same connector, yours may or may not have it.
No, it is NOT required to get the video out.
Things to check:
1. Camera is definately in a mode where it SHOULD be outputting video via the AV socket AND there is video to output. You mentioned HandyCam Station, if that is the unit you disassembled then the camera should be mounted on it and outputting video.
2. The TV actually displays video if it gets it via the Composite link.
3. You have the correct pins on the connector. The photograph appears to be of the plug, if you have disassembled the camera/ station housing and are accessing the connector from the other side, the pinout should be the same, if you are accessing it from the outside looking in, the pinout needs to be flipped 180 degrees left or right.
4. You have the two wires for the Composite link the correct way round - connecting the link ground to the camera video O/P will kill it stone dead. Connecting the Video live wire to pin 8 (Ground) will do nothing either.
5. You said you found audio on two pins, which means one pin audio, one pin ground. Which were they and do they match with the pinout shown in the photo?
6. Why not save yourself a shed load of hassle and just go buy the %$^&#* cable? A Google turns up about 3,768 bods selling it for peanuts. Try "Sony 10 pin AV cable" for starters.
Mathias Svedberg January 4th, 2010, 01:47 PM 5. You said you found audio on two pins, which means one pin audio, one pin ground. Which were they and do they match with the pinout shown in the photo?
Yes the pinout is right as you can see on the Pictures pinout 1 and 6 = audio
well why i dont buy any cable if for the crappy price on this
and i will be 100% sure it will works b4 i maby buy something
Answer on TV signal
Yes i have an DVD Player i tryd on Composite in and gor the picture rom the DVD.
The camera stil in the Handycam station
as b4 when i did have the cable for it it did play put video live asap the cable was connected to the camera / station to the TV for live or playback
so its a bit strange why not one cable should do the trick.
I have also a picture taken from the servise pinout
if this can be to any help ?
Tell me where i can send it ?
Chris Soucy January 4th, 2010, 03:00 PM Well, if you have identified pins 1, 6 and presumably 8 as audio, audio, ground then the connector orientation must be correct.
In which case, pin 9 must be known and presumably your Video connection is to pins 8 & 9.
If so and there is no video on the TV, then either:
1. The camera is not outputting video for reasons unknown.
2. It is not transferring it to the HandyCam Station.
3. It is transferring it but it isn't making it to the O/P connector.
4. It is making it to the O/P connector but not to the TV. Possibilities are:
Video live and ground wires connected the wrong way round.
Video live or Ground wires broken somewhere in the cable or disconnected in plug at TV.
Can't be of much further assistance, sorry.
There is one final posibility that hadn't occured to me earlier. It is concievable that the video out pin has been mistaken. In the thread that the photo was found in, such mis-allocation would not have had any relevance to the final outcome.
However, as the pinout in the photo does NOT identify the two S video pins, it does indicate pin 9 as a video out.
Unless your source for the pinout is rock solid, it is conceivable that either pin 5 or 10 is the real Composite out and pin 9 is a S video instead.
It's a very, very long shot but probably worth a try, you can't break anything.
Mathias Svedberg January 5th, 2010, 03:13 AM Pin 5 is S-C and pin 10 is S-Y, So what i can see is 5-9-10 for video
and the first pinout picture i did found is that one you can see here
and i did talk to the service of Sone that told me that the picture is correckt
and them did give me this picture as well to see what is what and to what:
If i get my multimeter on my DVD player i get 1.00V on the Composite cable from the dvd
it tells me i have signal, on the cam i got 0.00V between 8-9
maby it is video in when i try ?
It stands ( Video in/out )
and if som of the pins 5-9 and 8 vill put out or 9-10 and 8
I worry if i try that i will fry me cam ?
it is a teory i have since i not get eny signal on 9
Se what you can make out of the new picture
Tanks any way =)
Dave Blackhurst January 5th, 2010, 04:41 AM pin 9 is composite out (typically terminated in a yellow RCA) - the other two pins are for s-video/component (typically terminated R/G/B RCA), audio L/R are on 1 & 6 (typically terminated in Red/White RCA), 3 & 8 are ground.
If you use the standard Sony cable or one of the Chinese knockoffs, you should have no trouble getting video signal on that pin (9).
There can be some weirdness with the Chinese cables because of the way they wire them, conflicts with the LANC signal, but it is NOT needed for video out AFAIK.
Mathias Svedberg January 5th, 2010, 01:40 PM Okey but the question is why i dont get any signal out from pin 9
On pin 2 i get 2,41V Lanc Signal
On pin 7 i get 2,65V Jack AD what that now is
I did not have any Lanc on the cable that was with my Handycam
It was all without Lanc
Can it be one of does 2 that have to be connected to get the camera to start video out signal ?
If it is something in the cable that done somthing !
The picture only show the connecter ( Inside ) the camera not how the cable is made =(
On the other picture where i can see the connecter where pin 7 and 8 is set with an resistor on 100k, why i dont know but it has somthing with the lanc to do
i dont have it and dont know what it is for.
Dave Blackhurst January 5th, 2010, 03:45 PM The resistor signals the camera to expect the LANC, and AFAIK is not needed for video, and might actually complicate things when connected - that's one of the glitches in the Chinese cables - they can cycle the camera on and off!
I don't know why you don't see video/signal, but it SHOULD be straightforward - hook up an RCA to pin 9 (RCA "tip"), and the "ground" to pin 3... connect to a composite TV input (yellow RCA jack), should have a picture? You may be having a prolem is you are trying to use pin 8 for ground - something in my memory is that it isn't always grounded, depending on the cable configuration....
While there are some "signalling" schemes on the A/V jack, I'm not aware of anything specific for the video/audio L&R - that's the primary function on this jack, the mic inputs and LANC are secondary and require some tricks to get (like that resistor). I believe the component outs are also active directly, but I'm not sure exactly how those are wired - I spent some time analyzing/documenting this jack when trying to regain LANC functionality, might be able to find my notes somewhere... but I'm quite certain that the video/stereo audio signal was straightforward. The stock Sony cable doesn't do anything fancy, it's just plug in and go. The later versions of the adapter cable (XR and CX series cams) get a bit fancier and combine composite and component into a single cable that plugs into the A/V jack (the little rectangular jack that went with the R/G/B componentn outs disappeared), but I believe they will function the same with earlier cameras that were supplied with the two separate cables.
The cables are fairly cheap on eBay...
Chris Soucy January 5th, 2010, 04:53 PM Det finns flera möjliga orsaker till varför det inte fungerar.
1. Kameran är inte påslagen för att mata läge.
2. Kameran är inte riktigt dockad på stationen.
3. Det finns ett fel mellan kameran och stationen kontakten.
4. Du har identifierat fel PIN-kod.
5. Det finns ett fel på kabeln.
6. Det finns ett fel med kameran.
Motståndet är bara skyldig att tala om för kameran finns det en LANC bifogas
PS: Jag skulle köpa kabeln som föreslagits.
Mathias Svedberg January 5th, 2010, 05:54 PM The resistor signals the camera to expect the LANC, and AFAIK is not needed for video, and might actually complicate things when connected - that's one of the glitches in the Chinese cables - they can cycle the camera on and off!
I don't know why you don't see video/signal, but it SHOULD be straightforward - hook up an RCA to pin 9 (RCA "tip"), and the "ground" to pin 3... connect to a composite TV input (yellow RCA jack), should have a picture? You may be having a prolem is you are trying to use pin 8 for ground - something in my memory is that it isn't always grounded, depending on the cable configuration....
While there are some "signalling" schemes on the A/V jack, I'm not aware of anything specific for the video/audio L&R - that's the primary function on this jack, the mic inputs and LANC are secondary and require some tricks to get (like that resistor). I believe the component outs are also active directly, but I'm not sure exactly how those are wired - I spent some time analyzing/documenting this jack when trying to regain LANC functionality, might be able to find my notes somewhere... but I'm quite certain that the video/stereo audio signal was straightforward. The stock Sony cable doesn't do anything fancy, it's just plug in and go. The later versions of the adapter cable (XR and CX series cams) get a bit fancier and combine composite and component into a single cable that plugs into the A/V jack (the little rectangular jack that went with the R/G/B componentn outs disappeared), but I believe they will function the same with earlier cameras that were supplied with the two separate cables.
The cables are fairly cheap on eBay...
- hook up an RCA to pin 9 (RCA "tip"), and the "ground" to pin 3...
Pin 9 Video in/out
Pin 2 = TIP
Pin 3 = GND
Pin 8 = GND
Here is the inside of the Handycam Station
as you can see pin 3-8 have same GND (
So i dont know what you mean with RCA to pin 9 (RCA "tip")
tip gives som sort of signal on 2v + "pin 2"
video as known as pin 9 in the picture
so what is TIP ?
Mathias Svedberg January 5th, 2010, 06:06 PM Det finns flera möjliga orsaker till varför det inte fungerar.
1. Kameran är inte påslagen för att mata läge.
2. Kameran är inte riktigt dockad på stationen.
3. Det finns ett fel mellan kameran och stationen kontakten.
4. Du har identifierat fel PIN-kod.
5. Det finns ett fel på kabeln.
6. Det finns ett fel med kameran.
Motståndet är bara skyldig att tala om för kameran finns det en LANC bifogas
Kameran är fullt påslagen och spelar upp en video jag filmat,
När jag hade kabel till kameran så var det bara att plugga i kablen i antingen i kameran eller i Dockan så kom videosignalen direct till tv:n
Har även testat kippla mig in på kontakten på kameran utan resultat
Så jag är nästan säker på att det inte bara handlar om pin 9 video och pin 3-8 gnd
THe Kamera is fully ON and playing a video i have on it recorded
When i did have a cable to my kamera the only thing i have to do then was Plug 'n' Play
On the kamera or the handycam station.
If you recorded or not it shows Live video out to tv
No settings on the camera to get the video out, all this is auto ( Plug 'n' Play )
So well it has to be more then yust pin 8 - 9