Jan van den Heuvel
January 2nd, 2010, 01:44 PM
Final Cut Pro 7.0.1 and Apple MacBookPro with Snow Leopard.
I have downloaded the XDCam Transfer.app to import the clips from our PMW-EX3 camera into FCP. When starting the XDCam Transfer.app it showes two possible errors:
- FAM Driver
- XDCam Drive Software
Both don't show up when I'm searching on the Sony websites. The transfer to FCP works but the error still shows when starting the Transfer.app.
Does anyone know the right links to find the driver and software.
Thanks, Jan
Olof Ekbergh
January 2nd, 2010, 02:09 PM
Here is one place with the latest drivers.
You may need to register to view pages.
Sony : XDCAM EX : United Kingdom (http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/view/ShowContent.action?logicalname=ssw-bc-xdcamex-0807&site=biz_en_GB)
Alister Chapman
January 2nd, 2010, 02:19 PM
The FAM driver has a bug under snow leopard that has not been fixed yet and the XDCAM drive software only gets installed if you have a U1, so both these "errors" are normal. They will not affect the way you work with EX material.
There is a check box that prevents the warning page from being displayed when you start the transfer tool.
William Graydon
January 2nd, 2010, 03:21 PM
Ok so the only driver I have downloaded is the log and transfer but I have been able to edit my ex1r footage in fcp 6 am I also supposed to download this transfer plug in? Sorry I am just a little confused as to which driver and or plug in i need and do not want to encounter future complications.
Mal Hamilton
January 2nd, 2010, 07:26 PM
The Sony Canada support pages has the latest SxS drivers and V2.11 FCP Transfer and V2.6 browser, all seems to work ok for Snow Leopard. Sony of Canada E-support (http://support.sonybiz.ca/esupport/eSupportHome.asp)
Jan van den Heuvel
January 3rd, 2010, 12:46 PM
The FAM driver has a bug under snow leopard that has not been fixed yet and the XDCAM drive software only gets installed if you have a U1, so both these "errors" are normal. They will not affect the way you work with EX material.
There is a check box that prevents the warning page from being displayed when you start the transfer tool.
Thanks Alistar,
The check box was not used as I was somewhat uncertain. The clips are loading into FCP and appear to be complete. I was just a little uncertain as I'm just migrating to Apple and FCP.