View Full Version : New Year's Resolutions?

Lorinda Norton
December 31st, 2009, 11:33 AM
What's yours? Mine is to get started on my film for this challenge.

Haven’t seen Dylan around here updating the charity pool totals so that means one of two things: Either he’s still passed out somewhere from too much Christmas rum n’ eggnog or he’s gearing himself up for a New Year’s blowout. means folks shot their entire wads on Christmas gifts and don’t have a penny to spare. But we’ve got ten days left, so if you do have a few bucks you could donate to the winner’s charity that would be just groovy! Bet you’ll be glad you did!

Bill Thesken
December 31st, 2009, 03:18 PM
I scraped the bottom of the barrel for a donation, and it is indeed a groovy sensation. My resolution is for more innovative films, and better focus.

Dale Guthormsen
December 31st, 2009, 03:51 PM
Good afternoon,

first, have a great new years EVE!!! or is it a Cindy or a chuck?? Don't tell me!!!

Resolution, I am going to dedicate myself to learning audio better, have more patience (of which I have practically none!!!) and finish my long form. oh yea, get an fx 1000 for my necessary run and gun hd and as a b roll camera.

Dick Mays
December 31st, 2009, 04:39 PM
What's yours? Mine is to get started on my film for this challenge.

Mine is to be nicer human being, to not offend anyone with my film entries, to treat my actors better on the set, and to stop making fun of people who shoot rocks.

Wait. That's too many. I could try to be nicer to actors on the set, but that's an uphill battle. How about I give up making fun of shooting rocks?

Went on location, starting planning the shoot, and what do you know? There was a big rock there. Rewrote the script to cast the rock, now I have a new appreciation. Rocks never miss their mark, never drop a line, and never complain about not being fed on time.

Rocks rock.

Dick Mays
January 1st, 2010, 10:14 AM
Should have hooked up with the UWOL folks sooner...