View Full Version : fcp xdcamtransfer + folders

Uli Mors
December 30th, 2009, 09:56 AM
ok, I am not a FCP user myself, but I encountered this:

a) I copied full disk structure (XDCAM HD) to a folder "disk1" on a windows XP PC

b) we transfered some of these folders (with full disk structure and files) to a mac via network

c) we used "add" in xdcam transfer (2.7 so far) to explore the virtual disk folder

XDCAM TRANSFER scanned the folder, but shows proxy files only and does NOT offer to import the hires clips (as it would when connecting a PDWU1 or the camera itself).
(USUALLY, Clips show the word "proxy" , but show HD resolution etc. for import).

What am I missing? I know it should be possible to use folders. Is there a difference when I use a server (from XP) - files are the same... (??)

Any hint or idea?

Does anybody work similar or has a hint how to work with "backup"-folders?



Daniel Wright
January 7th, 2010, 04:38 AM

I don't have any experience with XDCAM discs mounted in Windows but, assuming the folder structure is the same, then this should work. It works for me when I copy discs from a PDW-U1 to the hard drive on a Mac. However, metadata cannot be written back to the folder, as it can while still working from the disc.

Firstly, I would try upgrading to a later version of XDCAM Transfer (i.e. 2.11).

Probably a silly question, but you did try to add your 'disk1' folder, and not one of the internal folders? Actually, my 'Add' button has been gathering dust since XDCAM Transfer starting supporting drag and drop onto the Source column.

If you still can't get it to work, I wonder if Windows is creating some system files (e.g. Thumbs.db) in the structure, which has upset XDCAM Transfer?

Uli Mors
January 7th, 2010, 09:51 PM
metadatda isnt important here, so thats fine.

You may be right - perhaps the mac doesnt like the pc folder (or anything inside)...

I simply want to prepare dozens of disks on my system (PC) and copy all "disk folders" to the mac.

On the first glance the folders on the mac seem not to be different to the pc ones...
Clip/EDIT/SUB/GENERAL + root xmls , all fine.

IŽll do more experiments...