View Full Version : Lens Options - Advice Please

Adam Grunseth
December 29th, 2009, 12:12 PM
Besides the differences in the field of view offered, could some one who has experience with the Canon 14X4.5 lens, Fujinon 17x5 lens, and the Fujinon 16x lens that came with earlier ProHD cameras please give me a comparison. Obvisouly I can compare the numbers and know that the Canon offers a much better wide angle, but as someone who as always just used the kit lens with my HD110, how much of an upgrade is the Fujinon 17x5?

Specifically I am wondering how these lenses compare in the following regards:
-Speed of zooming with the servo zoom
-Focusing experience (how smooth is the focus ring? does it stick? does focus creep?)
-Artifacts and ghosts when dealing with bright light
-Overall image quality (sharpness, colors, etc.)
-Overall operator experience, what is it like to be controlling the lens? How is the build quality?

I have read lots of reviews of these lenses, but no direct comparisons. I am hoping with a direct comparison from someone who has used all three lenses I will be able to judge which lens option, the Canon 14x or the Fujinon 17x, is right for me based upon the lens I already am familiar with.

Les Howarth
December 29th, 2009, 05:50 PM
I can only compare the 17x fujinon with the 16x as I recently upgraded the lens on my hd100. Its a lot less flarey, in against the light shots - for example catching a dedolight shining directly in the lens from a distance produce quite a bit less flare and the lens reflections are themselves contrastier and more saturated.

Colours overall are rendered in a similar pleasant fashion to the 16x but better contrast and saturation.

Quite a bit sharper too. HD now looks like HD - which the 16x never really did. Switching between HD and SD (live to a monitor) the difference is clear, which was never that impressive through the 16x.

SD looks really nice too, crisper overall. I have been able to reduce sharpness in the menu another notch or two.

The focus ring is smoother but a little more drag to it perhaps.

The 17x is the lens the camera should have has all along but was probably omitted to hit a price-point. For me it's like having a new camera for the price of the lens so I am happy with that and if I go for a 700 body next year (or aquire another HD series camera) I can transfer the lens.

Eric Deyerler
December 29th, 2009, 08:10 PM
The 17x Fujinon is really better then the 16x, but I like my Canon 14x on my HM700, I worked for a test shot with the 16x, that's not OK. The 13x Fujinon is another good possibility, I think the best for the HM700 is the 13x Fujinon (3,5) and the 14xCanon (like 32 mm KB)