View Full Version : Low Memory Problem (VPro 9.0b x32)
Perrone Ford December 29th, 2009, 11:19 AM I thought I'd post an error indicative of the problem some are having with AVCHD files.
In this example, we have a single piece of media, with a duplicate track. The top track has a B&W effect, the bottom track has 3-wheel color correction applied.
Clip is 2:20:05
Source is Canon 5D (1080/30p)
There are no other user apps running.
Preview is at (good/half) to save memory
Encode did not complete a single frame before error
Jim Snow December 29th, 2009, 12:10 PM At the risk of sounding cynical, this problem is "deserved" in two ways. The first is if anyone is running 9.0b instead of 9.0c and expects to edit AVCHD, they must be a glutton for punishment. It's free to update and rev c has some important fixes for AVCHD files (and other important fixes and updates as well).
The second is; AVCHD has no business on the timeline to start with. It isn't an editing "friendly" format. It's too much of a burden on the processor and you can't do multi-generation encodes without doing serious damage to the video quality. In addition, every time you turn around, another camera maker is hoisting yet another AVCHD variation on the market. Proceed at your own risk with this stuff and when you step on a pile, don't complain about the smell.
Perrone Ford December 29th, 2009, 12:58 PM *sigh*
I know you haven't been around here a long time. So please take these comments in the spirit intended.
1. I have 4 machines running Sony Vegas. 8.0c, 8.1, 9.0b and 9.0c (32 and 64bit). I am aware of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of moving forward. While 9.0c improves some things, it hampers others.
2. I agree with you about AVCHD. And I've said the same thing time and again. I try to avoid using ANY long-GOP codec on my timeline. However, in certain circumstances it cannot be avoided. In this case, I was revisiting a project that I completed some time ago to prove a point about putting AVCHD on the timeline in Vegas. My result was entirely expected. I completed the render in V9.0b x64 without issue.
So while I appreciate your sentiment, you are preaching to the choir and the the tone is unnecessary.
The goal here was to show that even a very short AVCHD file, on a very powerful machine can cause headaches. I am a huge fan of using proper intermediates, but the Cineform product has been troublesome for many. Especially in the V9.0c that you suggest I move to.
Jeff Harper December 29th, 2009, 02:02 PM Perrone, your reply was well-worded and an excellent example to all of us. You did not get defensive in the least in a situation that could bring the worst in some of us. Well done.
Jim, Perrone is right. We try be tactful here, it is a hallmark of this board. In my own case, from time to time I have been guilty of less than ideal responses to threads.
I give this forum credit for helping me to learn how to "play well with others". It is often more difficult and time consuming to craft a well worded response or post, but in the end it is much worth it.
Jim Snow December 29th, 2009, 02:22 PM Jeff, I agree with you. I have been a longtime fan of Perrone. His contribution to this forum have been invaluable and I have said so in the past. The NLE that one is most equipped to criticize is the one they are using. But the tone of the unnecessarily "spirited" criticisms of Vegas have been over the top at times complete with language that had to be "amended." Perhaps I was subconsciously attempting to bring some balance to the picture. Descriptions of problems and how to avoid or deal with them don't need to be framed as an attach or a blistering criticism. I look forward to his "comments" about AVID AFTER he has used it enough to encounter its foibles - and he will.
Perrone Ford December 29th, 2009, 02:34 PM I look forward to his "comments" about AVID AFTER he has used it enough to encounter its foibles - and he will.
The difference in criticism about Avid and Vegas is that there are THOUSANDS of pro users who've been shouting about them at Avid for years. And in my short week with the program, I've hit several snags. The other crucial distinction though, is that none of the missing features, aggravating or idiosyncratic issues, keep you from working.
Yes I wish I could drop my 2K files onto the timeline. Yes I wish I could dock the windows. Yes, I wish it would read my dang firewire deck, yes I wish I didn't have to go to separate modes for effects, trimming, building the timeline, etc. And goodness knows I wish that ALL of my media would fast import!
But I've thrown every kind of media I have at this program, and it has happily ingested it all (AMA, fast import or slow import), allowed me to edit, layer, title, multi-cam, and everything else. With varying frame rates, and media types. And it's given me gorgeous output. Every time. No red or black frames. No "cannot proceed" errors. No out of memory errors. Just real time performance on the timeline, and speedy renders. For the money, you expect no less. And it delivers.