View Full Version : Film Crew and Leggo My Eggo - two student films

Edward Carlson
December 28th, 2009, 07:33 PM
I have finally gotten around to finding a 16 mm projector so I can share these with the world. The following two films were made for my intro to film production class. The first one was a group project, two other people worked on it with me. The second one was my final project that I had to do alone. Neither of these have audio, so don’t freak out.

Both of these films were shot on the Bolex H16 16 mm camera. We shot on Kodak Plus-X B&W reversal film. No artificial light was used, only what was available in the rooms and outside. I don’t have any production stills, unfortunately, because none of us had a camera, which is ironic when you think about it. Enjoy!

RTVF 27 - Film Crew on Vimeo

RTVF 27 - Leggo My Eggo on Vimeo