View Full Version : Love Story Video - "standard"?

Bill Vincent
December 27th, 2009, 12:45 PM
I am just curious - when it comes to doing a love story clip, is there a generally accepted "standard" in the presentation of the love story? I.E. more pictures than words, or more style and less substance in the form of interviews? I ask because I posted one that had a lot of interview stuff and was told it shouldn't be called a love story, but rather an interview. Granted, there was a lot of interview, since their story wasn't an easy one to tell in a sound byte - but there was interaction and other stuff too. It was long, topping out at 8+ minutes. The couple loved it, so I felt good about that - but I do want my work to have long-term appeal and do listen to other people's opinions.

Still, I'd like other opinions on what a great love story clip should be. More abstract? A moving picture collage? Lyric-driven? I went with three specific story points - the meeting, the first date, and the engagement. Others may have different ideas completely.

Thanks in advance for your comments/ideas...

David Schuurman
December 27th, 2009, 12:56 PM
I definitely think that the love story should be narrated by the couples interview answers. But not using the image from the interview shoot very much. I think that the b-roll imagery you capture should sorta follow along the lines of what they're saying but doesn't totally have to match.

that's my take on it.

Randy Stewart
December 27th, 2009, 01:42 PM
I am just curious - when it comes to doing a love story clip, is there a generally accepted "standard" in the presentation of the love story? I.E. more pictures than words, or more style and less substance in the form of interviews? I ask because I posted one that had a lot of interview stuff and was told it shouldn't be called a love story, but rather an interview. Granted, there was a lot of interview, since their story wasn't an easy one to tell in a sound byte - but there was interaction and other stuff too. It was long, topping out at 8+ minutes. The couple loved it, so I felt good about that - but I do want my work to have long-term appeal and do listen to other people's opinions.

Still, I'd like other opinions on what a great love story clip should be. More abstract? A moving picture collage? Lyric-driven? I went with three specific story points - the meeting, the first date, and the engagement. Others may have different ideas completely.

Thanks in advance for your comments/ideas...

Here's an example of what we like to do:
It's a blend of interview and lots more.