View Full Version : backup with or wothout grade

Osmany Tellez
December 26th, 2009, 08:48 AM
grettings to all..

simple question..wondering what other people do...when I finish a project and get ready to delete and backup..i have the feeling I want the edited backup video to be withoutany color grading in case I later want to use it and try something different with it or maybe I got better at grading and will want a flat uncorrected video...

does this makes sense? I still want to save an uncorrected version and also the corrected this a waste of time and gbs?

what do people do in terms of video storage and grades?

thanks..and merry xmas.

Alden Miller
December 27th, 2009, 12:03 AM
I say save both.
A - you will have a better reference, if you want to try something different.
B - you can always buy more storage space
B2 - and hard drives are always getting larger and cheaper
C - if space ever gets to be an issue... you can always delete one later

Cole McDonald
December 27th, 2009, 10:06 PM
I use many removable harddrives with a datadock to allow hotswapping internal IDE drives externally for backup of projects. I also keep all of my tapes as secondary backup (may years of IT paranoia - and the reason I'm unwilling to trust harddrive and flash based cameras).

This way, I'm not just keeping the final product, but all of the raw source files and the full edited project in the editor's format. Offlining the project allows me to delete the footage, and recapture from tape if needed saving space.