Scott Hayes
December 25th, 2009, 04:26 AM
Here is another one I just finished. crystal & Shawn, married September 5, in Lexington.
a pair of hMC150s was used for this in addition to a Canon A1 on a glidecam. Enjoy:
Crystal & Shawn - Short Form Edit on Vimeo
Monday Isa
December 25th, 2009, 08:39 AM
Hey Scott,
I saw the first 6 minutes and you have a very nice flow! Edited very well and solid shooting over all. Only nitpick would be to balance the glidecam better. It may have been the wind that through it off. If so disregard that statement. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas.
Scott Hayes
December 25th, 2009, 08:53 AM
Thanks Monday! some of it is real glidecam, other is monopod with smoothcam.
Glen Elliott
December 26th, 2009, 12:21 PM
Scott, great stuff man! I wish I could wrap my head around short-form edits better. You are a very talented editor my friend.
I avoid short-forms because of the extra editing required. However I do feel it's a stronger product as a whole than a standard video with highlights. I may offer a short-form package this upcoming season. I've already booked one even though I don't officially "offer" it yet.
PS Regarding the shaky gliding shots, whether it be glidecam or monopod, give the smoothcam filter a shot. You will be amazed at how well it works!