View Full Version : More saturated colors?:

Joe Carney
December 23rd, 2009, 10:36 AM
I've noticed most of the clips posted have a sort of washed out look to the color. Someone even thought it looked a lot like his 16mm footage. Are there any clips out there that have a more saturated look? Without noise?

I know this is subjective, but I personally don't like the current look of the footage I've been viewing.

Eric Deyerler
December 23rd, 2009, 05:21 PM
The most of all is compression,
direct from the HM700 and on HD-Screen
it looks good, also the clips from Tim Dashwood,
I shot some footage for image and advertizing,
it looks great on a calibrated screen/monitor.äge/2009/12/14_Preview-Material_für_Purecast_München.html

Eric Deyerler
December 23rd, 2009, 05:26 PM
The Astramedia spot, the model-footage
and the short preview from MoPeople in concert
shot with HM700.

Joe Carney
December 23rd, 2009, 07:11 PM
Thanks, that's much improved over most of what I've been seeing. I assume you shot with 720p?

Eric Deyerler
December 24th, 2009, 10:20 AM
both - 720p and something 1080p25, 1080i50 -
when the cam is in some situations to noisy, you can set the detail up to -2 or -4 (like some users do on