View Full Version : Line Level to Mic Level (Sound Devices mixer to 5D2 w. ML)

David Hogsholt
December 23rd, 2009, 07:46 AM
(first of all, I posted this in the general audio section, but should have put it here in the first place. I don't think I can move the OP from there, so reposting here)

Hi all,
I am about to get a padded cable made to take a Sound Devices Mixpre's XLR's line level to the 5D's mic level, but don't know how much padding would be needed. Some say -40db, some say -50... The idea is to use Magic Lantern to turn of any gain in cam and have the right level going into the cam from Sound Devices mixer/preamp.
Does anyone know what the sweet spot is for the cam? As I think the mixer is +4db out(?), I should be able to make some simple math and come up with the right padding... Mind you, this is not from Mixpre's 1/8 TRS Tape Out, but from XLRs which are supposed to be hotter and also of course sturdier - hence the choice of going with them over 1/8 Tape Out.

All best,

Dan Chung
December 23rd, 2009, 09:00 AM

I have this exact cable for my MixPre but sadly I can't remember what PAD value it is, I'm on holiday now and I left it back in China.


Bill Binder
December 23rd, 2009, 01:02 PM
As someone who owns a mixpre, I wouldn't be surprised one bit that if you used the tape out mini jack from the preamp (which is at least 10 db lower than the XLR outs) combined with dropping the analog and digital gain of the 5D2 down to zero using Magic Lantern that you might not need a pad at all. Anyway, just a thought...

David Hogsholt
December 28th, 2009, 04:04 AM
Hi Dan and Bill.
Good to hear from you and I do remember coming across a post by you, Dan, where you mentioned the cable and that it was almost padded too much, right?
But was that in the days before ML?
And did you go from tape out to cam or XLRs to cam?
Bill could be right, but would be cool if you had time to respond to this one.
Or again if someone out there would happen to know what kinda level the 5D would like to have go into it with ALL internal gain turned off in ML.

All best,

David Hogsholt
January 13th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Just pinging this to hear if anyone can help...

Question is this - what level of padding to from Line Level (from SD mixer) to 5D2 with ALL gain disabled in Magic Lantern?

I have heard everything from 30-50db... Need to have cable made and mixer and cam is not able to go to the guy who is making it - so no trial and error option...

Cheers, David