View Full Version : Restarting Video in Kanata, Canada

Graeme Hay
December 22nd, 2009, 07:06 PM
Hi I'm Graeme,

When I last did video it was all tapes and film based, long before Digital. I moved into Photography and eventually got a nice DSLR. Now I'm looking at starting video production again.

I'm currently looking into various video set-ups, but for starts since I have a large about of Nikon photo lens and gears I'm looking at the new DSLR's with video or a video system which can mount such lens.

My focus is towards shorts, mini-series and films. The length of the various production getting longer as I get more skilled and more traction with local indie-scene.

Mike Calla
December 23rd, 2009, 03:59 AM

The local indie scene of Kanata, is INDEED as indie as one can get!

Instead of nikon, think nikon to canon ef adapter so you can use a Canon HDSLR. HDSLRs are plagued by some minor problems but the Canons less so.

The Canon 7D does 24p 25p 30p in 1080 and 50p and 60 in 720p. And there seems to be more support for them on various forums! And is not far off in price from the Nikon d90

Graeme Hay
December 23rd, 2009, 10:29 AM
Mike, there are a few film producers in Ottawa (which Kanata is apart of) but I found out that you need some vids under your belt (aka portfolio) before they will take notice. Primarily because they get multiple request for help from people without talent, money, and initiation to see project to fulfillment.

As for using a Canon, that Idea has crossed my mind (went to the local launch part for the Canon 7D, very impressed). But as I have 10s of thousands of dollars in Nikon gear, I would like to see what Nikon releases in 2010 to replace the D700 which does not have video; if its not what I want I'll go with a Canon and converter as you suggested or similar (RED scarlet?).