View Full Version : Looking for a way to organize growing video library?

Simon Zimmer
December 22nd, 2009, 09:57 AM

Anyone know of some good software that helps organize a growing library of video clips.

Something like lightroom for video. I use PPCS3 and am a PC user.

I would especially like something that if you have a 10 minute clip; you could mark what parts of the clip are good and give it name like drinking water. Then when you do a search for drinking water, all the clips that have the keyword - drinking water would show up.

Any suggestions?



Dan Carter
December 22nd, 2009, 10:46 PM

With the exceptions of marking clip parts and AVCHD files, most photo organizing programs will allow Tagging videos as well as images. My two favorites are ACDSee Pro and Windows Live Photo Gallery. Windows Live Photo Gallery is free, basic and fast.

For AVCHD clips I use Sony software call "Picture Motion Browser". It comes free with most Sony AVCHD camcorders and is very impressive for OEM software.

I, like you, would also like to see something like Lightroom that would catalog photos and videos.

Good luck. I'll be interested to see how others are handling this.

Kind Regards,

Simon Zimmer
December 23rd, 2009, 07:41 AM
Hi Dan,

Yeah, I am surprised that there is nothing obvious to get like Lightroom for photos.

Hopefully something will come out soon.

I will check out the programs you mentioned.



Marc Myers
December 30th, 2009, 02:22 PM
Does Bridge do any of this?
I use my video editing application to organize my clips. I have a naming conventions for reels, jobs, folders, imported media and the like. I use the naming conventions consistently across projects. One could also create a spreadsheet or a little database if one wished. Lots of cutting and pasting for that, of course.

Andrew Smith
January 7th, 2010, 06:30 PM
Bridge allows you to preview / play your clips, and I think it will allow you to view and edit the meta tag info that you are able to use as per the video production suite. Just don't quote me on that last part.
