View Full Version : Canon 7D + GT Shooter + a wedding

Richard Wakefield
December 22nd, 2009, 08:54 AM
Anyone who's used a mk2 or 7D knows what i mean about MAD camera shake during handheld shots. Totally makes you appreciate the image stabilisation and centre of balance on the camcorders....

Anyway, it was my first time out with the 7D + GT Shooter 2 days ago - thought some of you might wanna see:

(PASSWORD = shooter)

Canon 7D + Glidetrack Shooter + a wedding on Vimeo

Noa Put
December 22nd, 2009, 09:09 AM
Thx for sharing, it's nice to see some behind the scenes action. Allthough I think 5 or 7d images usually look very nice in color I also do notice often that the camera easily is blowing out highlites. Especially on faces that have sunlight on it. Do you find it easy to manual set up controlls like exposure and focus while using that slider as shouldersupport? (The idea behind it I found great but you can"t controll the camera while holding it like that?)
I also liked the grasshot, does the slider not tend to come into the picture if you slide it like that?

Richard Wakefield
December 22nd, 2009, 09:30 AM
Hey Noa

thanks for the reply

I know what you mean about the highlights - but honestly, it was the harshest sun on the coldest iciest day. I've not reviewed the XHA1 footage yet, but I think it was the same on there too.

Ok, what you can't tell from the BTS footage is that there is an optional central handle. You swap hands to hold on to that, and chance exposure and focus. I found it really easy to do, and the whole system remains balanced on your shoulder.

re The GT shot in the grass - The shooter has side handles, which can be raised or lowered, so for that shot, i had them raised, to give a slight angle on the grass. And by simply tilting the camera up as well, you ensure the shooter end will never show up in shot :)

Eugene Brown
December 22nd, 2009, 09:44 PM
How did you like using the GT? We're considering getting one, but we just rented the redrock rig...and it was amazing! How easy is it to go from using the GT as a stabalizer to using the GT for sliding shots?

I also love the shot in the grass!! Very nice!!

Richard Wakefield
December 23rd, 2009, 04:12 AM
Hey Eugene

The GT Shooter is an almost instant transition between shoulder brace and GT, or even tripod.

You simply press in the handle buttons to make them flat with the GT, then slide the GT on to your tripod (using quick releases). Or put it on the floor for ground-level GT shots.

And because it has a brake system, it means you can choose whether to make the camera glide or be stationery.


Eugene Brown
December 23rd, 2009, 09:35 AM
Great thanks!! Also, I checked out some of the clips on your blog.....Great stuff!!