View Full Version : Promo trailer for seminar for review

John De Rienzo
December 21st, 2009, 09:52 AM
We held a seminar back in October and I created a high impact clip specifically for it. I did not put it up for review at the time, but would be good to have any feedback now.


John De Rienzo.

De Rienzo Films Seminar Promo - Ricoh Arena, Coventry on Vimeo

Dimitris Mantalias
December 29th, 2009, 06:16 AM
(Over a week late but still...)

John, I was sure that I had seen your video before here in another thread, because I very clearly remember watching it. Probably I was wrong and watched it through your website or Vimeo when you first uploaded it. You've got a thing for super-fast editing, and I think it suits you very well! Although many will find the fast editing bizarre (I am a fan of slower stuff too), I was impressed and thought that as a promo video, it works very well. The soundtrack helps very much too (it's Zimmer I think? ).

Glen Elliott
December 29th, 2009, 09:23 AM
I think I summed up how I felt in my reply on Vimeo!