View Full Version : One million dollar question! Canon 5D, Premier Pro and Cineform.
Michael Greenberg December 21st, 2009, 01:39 AM Hello everyone!
Bought new PC: dual Xeon, 16gb ram, quadro 3800FX, SSD for OS and RAID for video files.
I have some footage from sony z7 shot in 1080i
I have some footage shot on 5D mark2 in 30p
I would like to mix them together.
I have captured Sony z7 footage through matrox mini through HDMI at 10bit
Opened CS4 selected matrox preset 29.97 and imported sony z7 footage.
I have converted 1920 footage from Mark 2 into 1440x1080 with cineform software.
I import those CF avi files into timeline and cannot do anything with them. Cannot render the system crushes.
Please could someone explain what tis the work flow? I downloaded all of Cineform software but my trial period is almost over and i still don't know if i should buy one. I don't care how much it costs I want it to be working. I would like to do monitoring through Matrox mini if possible.
Million thanks in advance.
David Newman December 21st, 2009, 10:37 AM Your workflow is a tad odd, so I'm guessing here. Why are you converting to 1440x1080? Wouldn't the Matrox mini prefer 1920x1080? This might be part of the crash. Do confirm that the CineForm file work outside of the matrox editing mode.
Michael Greenberg December 21st, 2009, 11:30 AM David,
thank you for helping out.
I convert Mark2 footage into 1440 because z7 footage is 1440. I guess I shoudn't do that... ?
The CF plays fine in Media player, however no matter which preset i use even cineform presets in Premier pro the moment i start touching it adding effects or color correction my system crashes.
David, is there a simple and bullet proof workflow that can make all this thing work?
Should I place CF file into Matrox HD timeline?
I would pay for a tech support at Cineform even though I haven't purchased to software. I'm stuck. And I need the project to be finished befor New Year.
I used to convert 5D footage with my RTX2 but I don't have that system anymore :) I bought this fancy one and having big trubles.
thank you in advance
Michael Greenberg December 21st, 2009, 11:57 AM Just to make things more clear. this is the workflow:
1. Import footage from Z7 1080i through matrox mini HDMI 29.97 10bit at 120mbs
2. Convert 5D file with prospect HD into CF AVI with following setting:
quality: high,
frame rate : automatic,
rate change: no change,
3.Create ne project with Premier CS4 4.2 with Matrox HD preset 29.97 1080i or 1080p (both don't work)
4.Import footage caputured with Matrox mini (works great)
5. import 5D footage and place on Time line. Red line appears on the time line. I can play it but as soon as I add any kind of effects, color corrections and try to render... computer becomes frozen.
What I'm doing wrong?
David Newman December 21st, 2009, 11:57 AM Support is free while your trial is active -- use support. Something is simply wrong in your setup.
Michael Greenberg December 21st, 2009, 04:34 PM Hi David,
what do you mean by setup? Software or hardware?
David Newman December 21st, 2009, 05:13 PM Software. There is no reason for the crashes, something is likely missing.
Michael Greenberg December 23rd, 2009, 02:43 PM Support is slow due the holidays I guess.
If I use AME cs4 and export 5D footage as Cineform AVI I can use that file and play it on timeline. The problem is that AME is slow.
Basically if I use Link HD nothing works and my system srashes, but if I use AME and export it as Cineform everything works. Cineform timeline, Matrox Hd preset, ot anything you want.
Cvould someone explain me what I do wrong with Link HD conversion.
Thanks in advance.
David Newman December 23rd, 2009, 03:08 PM Try another system, laptop, etc. I believe there is something else wrong on your system.
David Newman December 23rd, 2009, 05:57 PM deleted post
David Moody December 24th, 2009, 05:53 PM I have used mixed HDV and and 5D cineform converted footage in the same timeline without problems. It works fine leaving the HDV footage 1440 and also works well converting it to 1920.