View Full Version : Umderwater NSW: Sydney DVD
Jonathan Shaw December 20th, 2009, 11:30 PM Well finally I've finished a 3 year project putting together a dive / snorkel guide to Sydney.
If your interested have a look at the intro here ginclearfilm - home (
At present is is for sale at dive shops around Sydney and also online via my site.
Kenneth Burgener December 21st, 2009, 04:30 PM Looks great. Sometimes I moan about the birds that will not sit still. As a filmmaker I should be thankful that I am not trying to video the fish. I enjoyed diving, and am now spoiled. If the water is not 100 ft. vis and the temp is not over 80 I don't care to go.
Hope you make millions with your film. When we come back, we will try and find you.
Jonathan Shaw December 21st, 2009, 07:08 PM Thanks Ken for the kind words, 100ft vis and water over 80... aaah that sounds good.
There is actually a bonus section on the DVD on TUFI in Papua New Guinea which definitely is 100ft vis and over 80....
Alan Melville December 24th, 2009, 07:20 AM Hi Jonathan,
Nice clip. What do you use for lights, I'd like to update from the Dolphin tied to the
Seriously I want to buy some lights and want to know whether to go HID or Halogen, HID have my favour at present, namely the NiteRider™ HID Pro 40, as it's switchable.
I have a Gates casing with an XL2 and I only snorkel down to 20ft. I'd rather have a set I can grow into not out of. I understand light as I've shot both Video and stills for years on the surface. I'm now just moving into underwater video.
Any feed back would be appreciated.
Once again, nice clip, I'd never realised Sydney had so much, so close. Being from the West I'm a bit ignorant about the East coast diving / snorkelling.
Jonathan Shaw December 28th, 2009, 01:19 AM Hi Alan,
I actually own the Nitrider 40's and also a set of twin 50w halogens, I like the fact that the HID's are super bright and last for ages. I dislike the real white light that comes off them (although this can be corrected somewhat in post) and the fact that they take about 20 secs to get to the correct colour temp.
I have also used LED's and they are have all the advantages of HID, except they are more rugged and will light straight away..... only drawback is the beam spread, which isn't great compared to both HID and Halogen. If you don't need them straight away I would hang on and see what comes out in 2010, I believe green force have something in the pipeline that could be worth a look.
Thanks for the kind words about the DVD and yes Sydney does in fact have some great diving. Although West Coast is has some stunning spots too.
Also: Just realised that I spelt underwater wrong in the title... can someone amend or tell me how I can?
Tony Davies-Patrick December 28th, 2009, 06:05 AM Strange. I only get sound but no picture when I connect to Jonathan's home page.
Alan Melville December 28th, 2009, 06:44 AM Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for that info and no, I don't require them straight away so will hang on and see what eventuates in 2010.
As for the title I thought you were, in actual fact, trying to write "Um..Der..Water in NSW is wet"......yea yea I know, I should just keep my mouth shut.... :)
The following pic will explain it all......
Jonathan Shaw December 28th, 2009, 04:43 PM hi Tony,
Here is a You Tube version: YouTube - Underwater NSW: Vol 1 Sydney DVD Trailer (
Tony Davies-Patrick December 28th, 2009, 06:02 PM Cheers, Jonathan.
Lovely footage. :)
Jonathan Shaw December 29th, 2009, 01:16 AM Thanks Tony
Dale Guthormsen December 29th, 2009, 03:12 PM Jonathan,
Great job, thanks for sharing. Some amazing creatures. That one shark seemed kinda big!!!
Jonathan Shaw January 6th, 2010, 02:42 AM Thanks Dale..... nah the sharks aren't that big, it's just that I was pretty close ; )
Mark OConnell January 7th, 2010, 11:58 PM Fawk Jonathan, that was great! I love your underwater stuff, wish I could do that, it always stands out on the stock sites. Nicely cut too. Cool music, Gypsy Kings?
Great thing about fish, they work for free and don't require a release. One of the things I find so charming about birds...
Keep on.
Jonathan Shaw January 8th, 2010, 04:02 PM Thanks Mark..... yep it is true they work for free but they can be pretty bloody minded some times ; )!