View Full Version : Canon eos 5dmk2 Workflow

Leo Baker
December 18th, 2009, 04:25 PM

I just got a Canon 5dmk2, I am using the latest beta of Prospect HD

I am running Vista 64bit sp2, and I-Tunes/64bit installer.

What is the workflow

I have shot in 1080p on the Canon eos 5dmk2, take the memory card out of the camera.

Then I use Cineform HDLINK, to convert to a Cineform AVI file.

I am confused reading from earlier posts about
CoreAVC and Haali

I want to preserve the best quality and I am not sure that Apple Quicktime on my computer will truncate my data as its being read by HDLINK to then be encoded out to a Cineform master AVI file. And that I dont need to use the two tools listed above CoreAVC and Haali.



David Newman
December 18th, 2009, 06:58 PM
You don't need those tools, plus HDlink will not use them. HDlink will preserve the full dynamic range for all the Canon V-DSLRs.

Leo Baker
December 18th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Hello David,

Thank you for the reply that's great news.
