View Full Version : Preset for dark nightclub

Alex DeJesus
December 18th, 2009, 02:25 PM
I'm filming a jazz band in a small club. Just wondering which is the preferred preset. There is some small stage lighting. I may bring in a Diva Lite, which would light things up pretty well if I can squeeze it in. Is the "LowLight" preset pretty reliable?

Sylus Harrington
December 18th, 2009, 11:49 PM
I film a lot of concert and performance in low light venues. Used the PFVISION preset and it has pretty good results when there is poor light. Though I often found it to be a bit more red in the skin tones depending on the venue lighting.

Just recently I started using the TrueColor preset and actually found that to work really well. Plus, its more flat and leaves more option for color correction in post. It gives a very clean image even at +3db gain.