View Full Version : My Problem With My XDCAM - Help!

Kevin Spahr
December 18th, 2009, 07:52 AM
When I first got my EX3 things were fine. It was happy just to be held and have it's buttons pushed.

Then it started asking for sensible things, like another battery, some more memory cards, a reinforcing base plate, and an IR filter. But as time went by it asked for more things like a new fluid head with tripod, a zoom controller, and better audio. After giving it all the things it asked for, it wants more expensive things like a Nanoflash. Now it's saying it would be nice to have a big brother with 2/3 inch chips!

I tried wrapping the camera in tin foil to block it from messing with my mind but that doesn't seem to be working.

I have noticed one thing, it doesn't seem to be able to effect my wife. She does not seem to want to buy anything for it and actually, she doesn't even feel the need to hold it.

Do you think a Sony technician could make some adjustments to reduce the camera's psychic output power level?

I have to go, the UPS man is at the front door with a delivery...

Eugene J. Kulak
December 18th, 2009, 08:22 AM
Give the EX-3 to your wife and take up cooking, at least you can re-use the tin foil...

Mark Bolding
December 18th, 2009, 09:06 AM
I feel your pain; I am just starting to outfit my EX1R and hoping not to make too many expensive mistakes.


Charles Newcomb
December 18th, 2009, 09:24 AM
There must be a government bailout program for this problem. There seems to be one for everything else.

Barry J. Weckesser
December 18th, 2009, 09:56 AM
Kevin - I am in the same situation but have an EX-1 - seems like this mind control system works for the whole EX line - maybe a new firmware upgrade could control problem :)

Brian Barkley
December 18th, 2009, 10:10 AM
I'm not getting this at all. You've made the decision not to got to work for someone else, but rather to be in business for yourself. All small businesses that I know of require capital investment of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment. Not only that, but they are no guarantees that you business will be a success.

In 2009, I've not only purchased my EX-3, but expensive lighting gear including a cuculoris kit, audio gear including a Schoeps boom mic (CS4) which is one of the most expensive mics on the market, several thousand dollars in memory cards . . . and new Adobe Premiere CS4 HD non-linear editing . . . I've spent upwards of $50,000.00 in 2009 alone, but I am not compaining. This equipment is 1st class in its price category and I love what it does for me. A cameraman friend of mine in Los Angeles has almost $150,000.00 in his camera package alone.

We are spending mere peanuts compared to many video professionals. I do not understand the wining about the small cost of the additional equipment that goes along with having a good package. Why are you in this business?

Matt Davis
December 18th, 2009, 10:56 AM
Do you think a Sony technician could make some adjustments to reduce the camera's psychic output power level?

I think you'll find that this is simply a byproduct of generating an awesomeness field that's actually designed to influence clients positively.

Don Bloom
December 18th, 2009, 12:38 PM
I don't think Kevin is complaining. I think he's making a satorial comment on what many of us go thru when we get a new camera. Other new things are needed or at least wanted or is it desired, whatever the case I personally saw some nice humor in his post, no complaining.

Barry J. Weckesser
December 18th, 2009, 01:24 PM
Don- that is exactly how I took it and why I chimed in - it is just what happens - and those of us who are not pro's and are just obsessed hobbyists (like myself), well........ This is all in fun and not meant to be a serious thread.

Olof Ekbergh
December 18th, 2009, 02:15 PM
I think the definition of a Pro is someone who works really hard to support his camera/lighting/audio/studio/editing suite.

I know I do. As soon as I think I am getting ahead something happens or a job comes along that requires another investment, just to stay competitive. That is how I explain it to my CEO/wife anyhow.


Brian Luce
December 18th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Kevin, get rid of the wife. She jeopardizing your relationship with your camera. No marriage is worth that. That's the sacrifice most of us have made here.

Garrett Low
December 18th, 2009, 02:34 PM
I just got my EX3 a couple of months ago and have done 3 significant shoots with it. Each time I've identified another add on that I "must" figure out how to acquire. Now, after seeing what a beautiful picture the stock 35Mbps codec can deliver, I've somehow convinced myself that I "need" to have the ability to go one step higher and get a NanoFlash :).

Olof, if you've got tips on how to pitch to the boss (wife) I'd sure like to hear them. I think I'm just about at the end of my rope with her. The next request is probably going to land me sleeping in the shed in the backyard. I think I need to enter the gearhead addiction 12 step program.



Mark Bolding
December 18th, 2009, 02:46 PM
Too bad there is no way to purchase a really expensive sense of humor:]

Marty Welk
December 18th, 2009, 04:04 PM
rule of thumb, buy camera, have 50% more money avilable for "accessories" for the same.
aka 150% listed price.

Chad Johnson
December 18th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Tell me about it. I won a 2nd EX1, and that was quite the blessing. But then it talked to my first EX1 and is now demanding all the gear I purchased for it as well! They gang up on me and brow beat me about ARRI lights, and tripods, and media. God the media! And they say "Oooh Chad, how can you tell what you're editing without a professional calibrated HD monitor?" or "We want wide angle adapters - Pleeeeeeeze!"

Cameras...... They are so cute though.

Don Bloom
December 18th, 2009, 09:33 PM
I suggest we all wrap aluminum foil around our heads to ward off the evil camera spirits that makes us spend our money on needless things like Nanoflashes, light kits, tripods, wide angle lenses, media cards, etc etc etc.

As for the boss issue (wife) tell her to go shopping. Anything she wants. You know she'll get sensible things, not big screen LED TV, Nanaoflashes, light kits, tripods etc.
When she gets home and see's all the things your camera(s) made you buy, simply tell her, "but honey, it was on sale". At least that's what my wife always says to me.

May the force be with you!

Tony Newman
December 18th, 2009, 09:45 PM
Kevin, get rid of the wife. She jeopardizing your relationship with your camera. No marriage is worth that. That's the sacrifice most of us have made here.

I laughed my a$$ off! My wife laughed too! I appreciate the humor of this entire thread. I think many of us are in the same boat... -Tony

Paul Inglis
December 19th, 2009, 09:52 AM
When I read the Kevin’s post I though he was reading my mind, but I now realise that all XDCAM EX babes are telepathic and we’re all done for!

I so wanted a nanoFLASH for my EX-3 and the nanoFLASH needed a 4-Pin Hirose to D-Tap and thought I’d get the 4-Pin Hirose to XLR while I was at it, along with some HD-SDI Cables and a Cold-Shoe Tripod Mount. Then they demanded I power it too and asked for a Protech ST-7 Shoulder Mount and it’s accompanying Protech DC-EX3 Power Supply Cable, which needed three BNC Thin Patch Cables as well as a Sony VCT-14 Quick Release Tripod Plate not to mention; IDX Endura 10 Lithium-Ion Starter Kit (Supplied with: 1 x VL-2Plus Charger, 2 x E-10 Endura Batteries and 1 x Power Supply Cable).

Oh, then they demanded Sandisk CF cards and I sighed with relief as everyone was happy. But…

…oh no! It need a 7” HD Monitor with HD-SDI in as well to monitor the footage from the nanoFLASH.

Surely that must be it…

…nope, now they all want shorter cables!!! Just to look more sexy!!!

Not only do I have to put up with the EX-3, but now the nano is chirping in too! It’s always two against one now!!!

Slava Kouznetsov
December 19th, 2009, 10:10 AM
You made my day! I laughed so hard! That's exactly what happening to me too.
I'm kind of obsessed with dressing up my lovely EX1. But I afraid I can get instead another EX and this time it will be not a camera. Please help!

Kevin Spahr
December 19th, 2009, 10:15 AM
Eugene, that was a great idea but when I tried to boil some water I burnt it. (I really didn't burn the water Brian, I was just joking around again.)

Seriously, I have a great wife, she helps me with the video jobs, and even shoots second camera when needed - and does a good job too!. She is a musician and I help her with her music performances as the roadie, maintaining her web site, and can you believe it, I even did a couple promo videos for her. This was her first summer doing festivals and it was quite successful and I'm currently recording her second CD which should nearly double the income on CD sales. Plus traveling to the festivals on the weekends is like a mini vacation and you get to meet really interesting people.

After years of a regular job it is nice to be heading toward just doing creative things. Video is my "retirement business" where I can take a job if it is interesting or pass on the ones that are a pain in the butt.

I have to go, the UPS man is at the front door with a delivery... (Brian now I'm joking again.)

Piotr Wozniacki
December 19th, 2009, 10:43 AM
I think the definition of a Pro is someone who works really hard to support his camera/lighting/audio/studio/editing suite.

All this thread is fun, but this statement is soooo accurately describing so many of us...

Myself being just a "serious hobbyist" only some 2 years ago, video has developed into my second profession (meaning I do produce actual DVD's that do actually sell) - mainly in order to support my rig!

When I realize that, I'm not sure whether it's still funny...Rather more like vicious circle kind of thing.

Peter D. Parker
December 19th, 2009, 11:14 AM
Kevin, please accept my deepest sympathy for what you are going through.

On my passage through life, I always try to help my fellow man as much as I can. With this in mind, I am willing to relieve you of all the burdens you are going through.

I will, at no cost to you, accept all your camera equipment into my care. Simply contact me by e-mail and I will arrange collection of all your equipment, thus lifting this tremendous burden from off your shoulders.

No, NO, please, there is no need for you to offer your sincere gratitude, I do this as a personal favour to a fellow man.

Go now, send the e-mail and re-kindle those magical moments you and your wife first felt in the years before that demon video entered your lives but in those tender moments, please pause and offer a thought to me, your redeemer!


Paul Inglis
December 19th, 2009, 11:59 AM
Kevin, please accept my deepest sympathy for what you are going through.

On my passage through life, I always try to help my fellow man as much as I can. With this in mind, I am willing to relieve you of all the burdens you are going through.

I will, at no cost to you, accept all your camera equipment into my care. Simply contact me by e-mail and I will arrange collection of all your equipment, thus lifting this tremendous burden from off your shoulders.

No, NO, please, there is no need for you to offer your sincere gratitude, I do this as a personal favour to a fellow man.

Go now, send the e-mail and re-kindle those magical moments you and your wife first felt in the years before that demon video entered your lives but in those tender moments, please pause and offer a thought to me, your redeemer!


Peter you are such a kind, kind man :) If you struggle with this task, I'll help share your burdon :)

Bruce Rawlings
December 19th, 2009, 01:30 PM
I am concerned that so many people are affected by the EX syndrome. As an EX1 owner I am beginning to feel the affects myself - TIR filter being the latest sign and Nanoflash on the horizon. Are there any other camera manufacturers that have managed to avoid creating this problem or is it universal and comes with the video production territory?

Adam Reuter
December 20th, 2009, 10:44 PM
Here's the good thing about accessories though: You can, for the most part, use them for other cameras.

The Nanoflash, for example, supports any camera that outputs to their inputs. Not just the EX line of cameras. a good one right off the bat and you'll have it for a quarter of your life.

Audio gear...again, buy great stuff from the beginning and it'll last you for a long time to come.

Lights, same deal.

Cameras are the first to go in terms of obsoleteness. But I'll say with the EX1, when I read that it was great in low light, had long record times, great resolution like HD should and a sharp LCD screen...I knew it would be a workhorse and outlast other's for awhile. This camera really shouldn't cost under $7K but I'm glad it does! I expect I'll be using it until it beeps its last beep.

For the record, I rent audio/lighting gear for what the shoot requires and pass the cost to the client. I do own a wireless lav system, wired lav, tripod and on-camera light (I do mostly event work/talking heads/interviews) but for anything more complicated I rent. If the client can't afford me + the equipment rental then it's usually not worth my time.

Brian Barkley
December 21st, 2009, 07:24 AM
It would be interesting to know everyone's age & experience as to how long you've been in this business and where did you get your O.J.T. Also would be interesting to know what everyone does? Are you a one-man-band? What kind of films do you produce? Approximate income level? I'll tell if you wil . . .

Chad Johnson
December 21st, 2009, 12:00 PM
I, for the most part, am a one man band. I even bought a KATA "one man band" bag to prove it. I have 2 EX1 cameras. One I purchased, one I won in this contest: How Do You Play With Your One Man Band Contest Winner Announced (

I am also an audio engineer/Singer/Songwriter/guitarist, and I produce Jingles as a sideline. I think my signature has links to my work. I work for a marketing agency, but business is slow and I'm down to 1/4 time. BUT I have been going for jobs as an independent contractor, and making more money then ever. TV ads mostly, but Short 2 minute "shows" about travel or cooking too, and some DVD projects. Whatever comes around. I pride myself on getting great audio, which is actually MORE important than video in video projects. Most videographers have neglected proper study of audio capturing and editing, and their work suffers because of that.

Some work examoles: YouTube - ChadWork1's Channel (
My Music: Chad Johnson at (
Random Personal Video stuff: YouTube - Chadfish's Channel (

Adam Reuter
December 23rd, 2009, 03:51 PM
I am a one-man-band for the most part but hire freelancers when necessary. It all depends on the production.

My "bills payer" is my wedding photography. My minor bill payer is freelance videography which ranges from event work (again, weddings) to short films and whatever else in between. My even more minor money maker (although I will be doing more direct marketing this coming year) is as an audio engineer at a small recording studio.

The reason I bought the camera was because I have about 4 major projects (3 documentaries and a reality show) in the works and it made no sense to keep spending $300/day to rent a Panasonic HVX200 when it a). Couldn't shoot in lowlight for crap and b). I was unhappy with how sharp "landscape shots" looked. That plus I wanted to offer HD wedding videography services in my area and no camera up until the EX1 was a good lowlight shooter (at least in the price range).

So when I read a few reviews on the EX1 about how sharp it was, 1/2" full raster chips, uncompressed audio, great in lowlight (almost equal to a Sony PD-170) and much longer recording times compared to the HVX200...I bought it blind. And I couldn't be happier.

Bob Jackson
December 23rd, 2009, 06:23 PM
I laughed my a$$ off! My wife laughed too! I appreciate the humor of this entire thread. I think many of us are in the same boat... -Tony

remove the word "many" Tony, I think all of us are in the same boat.

James Huenergardt
December 23rd, 2009, 08:08 PM
I completely understand!

I'm the proud owner of 3 EX1s and 2 of them want nanoFlash recorders, and a second 35mm adapter, monitor, etc.

The oldest one is nervous I'm going to trade him in for an EX1R ;-)

Alister Chapman
December 24th, 2009, 02:19 AM
You should see the bedlam going on in my kit room. My PDW-700 is preparing to lynch my EX3 and my EX3 and EX1 are working as a tag team ready to take on the 700. The NanoFlashes meanwhile are looking down from their shelf, goading the cameras on as they know their safe (smug little buggers).

You see the problem is I have a PMW-350 coming and someone has to go! I expect one morning to walk in there and find plastic and circuit board carnage!

The tripods have taken a vote and they tell me the 700 must go, as he's just too heavy and they are feeling old and arthritic. The V-Locks concur as they are fed up with becoming exhausted after little more than an hour. The U1 however is pleading for me to save the 700 as it will be lonely without someone to feed it.

Tony Newman
December 24th, 2009, 01:58 PM
remove the word "many" Tony, I think all of us are in the same boat.

Oh man, I'm the proud owner of a EX1R as of two days ago, thank God I mentioned to my wife that besides the camera, there are minimum extras that must be purchased too, like cam warranty, 32gig cards, batteries, UV filter, bag, etc... And those costs are just a little over half the cost of the camera. But now I've been eyeing the Nano Flash and Nexto DI, after all, they're part of the minimum kit too, right?

Dang, she won't be laughing now, I should have given the wife a higher budget to start with, then I get hollered at only once... now where are those earplugs...?

Joshua Fleetwood
December 25th, 2009, 03:48 PM
My EX1 came into work with me a year ago and has since convinced my boss that it needed friends.

It made us buy 3 ex1s and 3 ex3s as well as 6 decks several mac pros. Even more iMacs.

Then it made us buy an editshare.

Next, it wants us to buy better tripods, letus and a steadicam.

and then... another editshare... much bigger.

And I hear all of the cameras chatting amongst themselves about how we need more media and how nice it would be to get some rosco litepad HO's to work even better...

and late at night, we hear whispers about getting little brothers for the community members to use.....

Now, if we could just get an HD channel.