View Full Version : Softboxes for Strobes AND Tungsten Continuous..?

Nathan Moody
December 17th, 2009, 08:02 PM
Has anyone used solid softboxes for both strobes and continuous lighting sources, using the same softbox with different speed rings to match both types of lighting? Seems to me that softboxes for hot lights should have no problem for contemporary strobes, but I'd love to hear anyone's personal experiences along these lines.

I'm specifically looking to get a set of softboxes that will work with both Arri's and Profoto strobes, if that helps.

Kirk Candlish
December 17th, 2009, 10:06 PM
You'll easily find this information on the Profoto and Chimera websites.

Profoto (

Lightbanks for Film, Video and Broadcast (

Michael Wisniewski
December 18th, 2009, 12:29 AM
Any hot light softbox should also work with strobes. I used the same Photoflex softbox for continuous and strobe lights and it worked fine, but I got tired of switching out the speedrings and sold it. Now I have a softbox for each set of lights - mainly because it's more convenient.