View Full Version : 2010 Taipei 101 fireworks collect 50 units Canon 5DII & 7D to shot.

Chiayi Fun
December 15th, 2009, 09:59 AM
2010 Taipei 101 fireworks collect 50 units Canon 5DII & 7D to shot. - ???????HDV?????????-????????? - Yahoo!????? (

Dear all:
We would like to collect Canon 5DII or 7D、500D 50 Canon users to shot 101 Final Count Down fireworks show, WE NEED YOU.

If you are interesting in this activty,just be free to sent your basic information to

Title for Taipei101 fireworks image maker.

Hope to see you soon.

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Erick Munari
December 15th, 2009, 03:58 PM
I was just in Taiwan, got back a couple of days ago. Wish I had known about you then and talk shop. I live in NY but my girlfriends family is in Taipei, so we go often and I love it there, so much so that I was considering getting work there. If you know of any prospect for a videographer/editor let me know. On the same note, if you need anything in NY and I can help...All the best.

Chiayi Fun
January 4th, 2010, 02:00 AM
2010 Taipei 101 Fireworks Trailer.

50?Canon???????? 2010 Taipei 101 Fireworks Trailer by 50 units HDSLR.??? - ???????HDV?????????-????????? - Yahoo!????? (

Chiayi Fun
January 4th, 2010, 02:02 AM
I was just in Taiwan, got back a couple of days ago. Wish I had known about you then and talk shop. I live in NY but my girlfriends family is in Taipei, so we go often and I love it there, so much so that I was considering getting work there. If you know of any prospect for a videographer/editor let me know. On the same note, if you need anything in NY and I can help...All the best.

Hello Erick

You can adding my facebook.

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If you need help in Taiwan. You can call me :D