Jef Bryant
June 29th, 2005, 06:00 AM
Are there any out there?
I'd really, REALLY like to shut off the damn auto-gain on my MC300 (which is a great camera as long as there's plenty of light).
Exposure lock only locks the iris, not the gain.
A long shot, I know.
John Snoddy
June 29th, 2005, 07:41 AM
I was going to submit a similar post. But my interest is in turning down the sharpness in my Optura 30. Images look fine projected in my HT except for pronounced edge enhancement. If only there were a way to turn that off!
Dan Diaconu
June 29th, 2005, 09:03 AM
I am on the way to hack the GS 200 and turn down the sharpness. I know there are different cameras but I did it before (1993?) to Canon L1 (Hi8):
and hope to find it again. Long shot, many years between models and who knows if it is still adjustable or preset (if there is a trimmer for that, I'll find it!) On a general note, "soft skin" button (where avail) might lead to the "offender" (take me to your leader! hehehe)