Foucault Martial
December 8th, 2009, 11:33 AM
Have you some tips to share on how to set up the HD-1000 to shoot sport events.
Actually, it seems I have too much motion blur.
Thanks to all
David Stoneburner
December 9th, 2009, 07:41 AM
I'm not totally familiar with the HD1000, but if you have enough available light you could try increasing the shutter speed. The more you increase it the less light it will bring in to the camera, but it will help with motion blur.
Mark Donnell
December 19th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Unfortunately, this is not an ideal camera for recording sports events. Ideally, you would want to shoot in a progressive mode, such as 720p at 60 FPS for maximum clarity of motion. It would also be helpful to not have a rolling shutter, which I believe this camera has. About the best you can do is, as mentioned above, open up your lens and shoot at the fastest shutter spped that your lighting will allow.
Robert M Wright
December 21st, 2009, 02:05 AM
For goodness sakes, shoot at 1/60 shutter. If you increase shutter speed a lot, it will look like the sporting event was played under strobe lights!
If you want, you could give deinterlacing to 60p a try, using YADIF with AviSynth. I've tried it a couple times, and it seemed to work quite well.