View Full Version : Audio sweetening programs?

Aaron Mayberry
December 8th, 2009, 10:53 AM
What are some good / easy-to-use audio sweetening programs to use on a Windows machine?

I got some audio tracks that have some air conditioners in the background, and was hoping for a way to knock down some of that noise. I assume I can't get rid of it, but it'd be great if I could do something to help the audio sound better.


Adam Gold
December 8th, 2009, 12:33 PM
I've had good luck with using Soundbooth directly from the Premiere timeline. If you have some audio of just the AC, you can take a sample of it and tell the SW to eliminate only that sound. Works OK.

Don Bloom
December 8th, 2009, 01:49 PM
take your pick. Soundbooth, Sound Forge, NewBlueFX has a lot of nice stuff and there are a couple of freebies out there. Audicity is one that comes to mind. Pull a SOUND PRINT of the noise only, set it in the program of choice bring the audio into the program, let the program work.
Here's a tip, take a little out at a time otherwise you stand a chance of changing the sound of the voice. Could end up sounding like the speaker is in a big cave OR like Mickey Mouse. Little bites.