View Full Version : Superwhites in YC Waveform Display in CS4/PHD4?

Graham Hickling
December 6th, 2009, 07:02 PM
In a Cineform project with CS4.1 & ProspectHD 4.10, I could see the superwhites in my CFHD avis in the YC Waveform display.

I've upgraded to CS4.2 & ProspectHD 4.30, and the YC Waveform now truncates at 100IRE. I have 'maximum bit depth' checked in playback settings - is there another setting I've missed, somewhere?

Anyone seeing anything above 100IRE with these versions?

David Newman
December 7th, 2009, 12:37 AM
I'm seeing the same thing, we will have to test whether Premiere is asking for the correct pixel format for displaying the waveform.

Andy Urtusuastegui
December 7th, 2009, 05:17 PM
I have Premiere 4.2 I have some AVI's from NeoHD 4.0x (not the latest build)
I can see super whites.