View Full Version : 8 second intro/logo for my production company

Erik Andersson
December 5th, 2009, 10:31 AM
Hello everyone!

I have just made a intro/logo for my production company i'm starting up right now.

Let me know what you think of it!

Shallow/Deep Films Video logo on Vimeo

Paul Cascio
December 5th, 2009, 12:00 PM
This is very subjective, but I think you cover too much physical space very fast, making it dizzying. I would maybe start just above the water's surface, then submerge. Or, find a transition, maybe a dissolve, that lets your move between the two. Or, start black and slide up to a partial surface shot then continue sliding to make the underwater visible.

Also, I'd like to see the logo develop at mid-screen and perhaps dissolve in or use a shimmering effect. Just one man's opinion.

Erik Andersson
December 5th, 2009, 12:22 PM
If i would make a dissolve between the above and underwater, wouldn't that ruin the awsome dolly through the surface, wich is in my opinion, the best with the video.

In my first version i started just above the surface and then went down. And then in the water I kind of fog-faded in the logo i a organic way.

But I wasn't happy with that result so i did this version 2.

What I want to show with this video is, no matter how bad and stormy weather it is above the surface, everything is nice and unaffected underneath.

Paul Cascio
December 5th, 2009, 01:45 PM
You're right, the disolve wouldn't work for going from surface to underwater. How about the slide from bottom? Again, I'm just throwing out an opinion. There's lots of people here with more expertise and experience. Just because I live where ESPN is, doesn't really instill me wiith any skill or knowledge. :)

My idea was that since the water appears to slide up (pedestal down) that starting from black, sliding up to surface water, then down as you did, might look good. I want to see the logo longer too.

Paul Inglis
December 6th, 2009, 07:17 AM
I like that idea very much but feel the overall time is way too short. I think if you doubled it it wouldn't appear to be so fast allowing it to sink in before it ended. Just my 2 cents.

Nick Harris
December 7th, 2009, 12:44 PM
It's a great concept, but I think my problem with it is that it doesn't go very deep. It feels like you're in a swimming pool, and not the vast open ocean. You may want to lose the ocean floor and just have the title come out of the murk. Or maybe use kelp to signify the calmness beneath the surface? The floor takes away the epic scope for me.