View Full Version : Strangest thing I've ever seen.......

Tom Blizzard
December 4th, 2009, 02:00 PM
Not sure where to post, but here goes.

I was in the process of shortening a project and every where I took out transitions I now see the following:

At the very top of the frame, in very light white letters, only where the transition was originally: PIV Video

At the very bottom of the same frame(s) I see the following in very light white letters: jpg. com (preceded by the letters www)
Never had this happen in the past. Is there an explanation? Is there a solution??

Ken Hull
December 4th, 2009, 05:55 PM
It would help to know which editor you are using. There's probably a sub-forum for that editor somewhere on this site.

Anyhow, it kind of sounds like the editor it having trouble finding some of the media elements for the project. Maybe you moved the project to a new computer, but forgot some of the media? Or may some of the media was on an external hard drive which is no longer hooked up?


Tom Blizzard
December 4th, 2009, 10:20 PM
Thanks Ken,

I am using Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0
I had a 20 minute project that I "saved as" under another title and starting trimming it down to 8 minutes. As I took out clips and the transitions cleared, that's when the words came up on the screen. They only appear where the transitions were. There were some audio files that I had on a separate external HD that I did not have hooked up when I did the "save as" .......

Now I've noticed that if I add transitions back between the clips, the words still remain in place.

Thanks for your suggestion(s) I'll delete the save as project and hook up the drive and start over. (maybe I should post this under the Adobe section.... )

Andy Tejral
December 5th, 2009, 09:23 AM
This sounds familar yet not...

I needed a codec for my Canon S3 IS's video. The first one I downloaded was from Accusoft Pegasus | Imaging SDKs | Image Viewers | Image Compression SDKS ( and it was a trial version (very pricey for full version). It 'watermarked' the video as you describe. It did ALL the video. I found a free version and left those problems behind.

Why you are finding this only on transitions is a mystery to me...

Tom Blizzard
December 5th, 2009, 09:32 AM
Thanks Andy....... this reply from their customer support seems to verify your experience:

From what you are describing, it sounds as if the PICVideo 3 codec was installed on your system. Some third-party companies tend to include the trial version of PICVideo in with their software as a bundle package. They typically do this so that the user will be able to view video files that are compressed in the M-JPEG format. If you recently purchased a camera or some video editing software, this is most likely how the codec was installed. The trial version of the codec will display a watermark over the view when you play back video files. Your original videos are untouched.

Because the codec DLL files were most likely not installed using our installer, you can search for the following files on your system and remove them (They would have been placed in the Windows system folder by the installer - often c:windows\system32 or winnt\system32):

pvmjpg21.dll, pvmjpg20.dll, pvmjpg20.hlp, pvljpg20.dll, pvwv220.dll, pvmjpg30.dll, and pvmjpg30.chm

Now PICVideo will be uninstalled. Any files that you saved through the PICVideo CODECs will have a permanent watermark. Any files saved with some other Motion JPEG CODEC will no longer display a watermark on viewing. "

Dan Brockett
December 7th, 2009, 07:16 PM
I am saying this with tongue firmly planted in cheek, and with a smile...

"Poor Windows users"


Tom Blizzard
December 7th, 2009, 09:38 PM
This type of thing never happens with a Mac ????? :)

Jonathan Jones
December 10th, 2009, 01:29 AM
This type of thing never happens with a Mac ????? :)


On a Mac, we just power up the machine in the morning and it tells us to just take the day off as it takes care of all of our work for us.

Last year, Apple also included a really nifty feature called "Time Machine" that dynamically saves all of your files in various "time spaces". But whenever I have a particularly frustrating or challenging bit of work that I have to do, I just set my system clock ahead a few days, and then activate Time Machine. Then all I have to do is navigate through the Time Machine files to find my completed project already done.

I guess that's what they mean when they say that Macs are intuitive.


(PS: My tongue is planted firmly in my cheek as well.)

Jim Andrada
December 11th, 2009, 06:14 PM
I think that's because they've discovered a practical application for the newly discovered element called "Anticipatorium"

It has the property of dissolving 80 ms before coming in contact with water. So if you set up a series of Anticipatorium based switches such that as each one dissolves it triggers a drop of water to fall on the next cell, the more cells you cascade the further ahead you can react to the water drop that will trigger the first cell. Up until today, the only usage was as a rain predictor.

Jonathan Jones
December 11th, 2009, 06:58 PM
I think that's because they've discovered a practical application for the newly discovered element called "Anticipatorium"

They are also spearheading research on how to optimize utilization of the processing by-product of Anticipatorium, "Re-do-overagaintanium", which I understand is going to be heavily factored into the next version of Time Mahine, Time Machine v.2, including a mobile version that will be built into an upcoming model of the iPod, which they plan to release in the mid-1960s, theoretically to head-off the release of the 8-track cartridge, (criticized by future Steve Jobs as a horribly limited mechanism for listening to music).

In a future interview (as seen on future YouTube via Time Machine with Anticipatorium), Jobs was/will be quoted as saying, "The next-gen iPod with Time Machine Mobile will offer the previous generation of music lovers a far more elegant and intuitive interface through which they will be able to enjoy the sounds of Loretta Lynn. Donna Summer, Roy Clark, Glenn Campbell, and Foghat."

And then 1984 won't be like 1984.... again.


Ken Hull
December 11th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Anticipatorium? Hey, wasn't that developed by the same research team that discoverd the anti-gravity material called UpsiDaisium?

Jim Andrada
December 14th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Sorry but that's a common misconception. UpsDaisium was developed in Campridge UK and Anticipatorium was developed in Cambridge MA, USA

Sam Mendolia
December 17th, 2009, 10:01 AM
This has been the best thread I have ever read.

Okay, so Mr Spock, has more green blood cells than red, and never gets a cold.
Green blood cells are a result of copper oxidizing, so, if we put in copper tubes on our transit systems instead of the steel they are using now, the copper will kill the germs, and we will all stay healthier.

way off topic, lol

Wishing you all a merry Christams, and a healthy new year!

Ervin Farkas
December 18th, 2009, 02:11 PM
I just doublechecked my calendar to be sure it's not April 1st... no, it's almost Christmas.

Back to the Macs though... the one I will be buying in 2050 (provided the Health Reform goes through the Congress this time, so I'll be still alive) will also translate on the fly all the movies I watch, to Magyar. You know, I'm a native Hungarian...

Jim Andrada
December 18th, 2009, 02:42 PM
As I understand the Apple product plan the 2050 Macs will automatically translate based upon a sensing device that derives the viewer's ethnicity from a DNA analysis of the breath.

I believe that Microsloth was working on something like this but cancelled the project because the breath sensor was overly sensitive to other - shall we say "outgassing" - artifacts or the residual aroma of what had been eaten for lunch. You know - eat sushi and get a translation to Japanese. And "outgassing" from a family dog under the desk of one tester caused a blue screen of death as soon as he dropped a clip onto the Premiere timeline.

Ervin Farkas
December 18th, 2009, 06:37 PM
Oh no, BSD on a Mac - c'mon, that's not possible, no one ever had one! And this is happening right when I broke down and after being a hardcore WinUser for all this time - I bought my first ever Apple product... an iPod!

Oh well, at least I was cautious and bought the Shuffle, so if I get a BSD, I only loose 60 bucks.