View Full Version : UWOLer's to Tired and Whimpy to Join the Charity Challenge ?

Chris Barcellos
December 4th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Whats the matter all you UWOLers, are you too tired and whimpy to sign up for the annual
Challenge ?

Maybe just too tired from sitting on a log in the woods..... hmmm

Don't need a nice new trophy ?

Or a terrific microphone....

Come on all of you UWOLers, get into the Charity Challenge

Bill Thesken
December 4th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Thanks Chris, I didn't even know there was a challenge till I read this thread. I didn't see it on the UWOL section. I should look at the regular DV challenge section once in while also... looking forward to it, play time is over, this time I'm bringing it on! :)

Trond Saetre
December 4th, 2009, 04:14 PM
Well said, Chris.
Guys and gals, let's show the DVC'ers how to make real videos. :)
Hurry up and sign up for the last challenge of the year.

In between all the yummy Xmas food, cookies and cakes, it will be a good thing to get out in the wild with our cameras. Remember how much fun we have making our videos.
So, by signing up, you get a great chance to follow rule 11 once more!

Oliver Pahlow
December 4th, 2009, 05:38 PM
HMMMM...wimp you say?

Catherine Russell
December 5th, 2009, 10:03 AM
Whats the matter all you UWOLers, are you too tired and whimpy to sign up for the annual
Challenge ?

Maybe just too tired from sitting on a log in the woods..... hmmm

Hi friends:

Chris, I think you nailed it concerning me! I'm in the long form which is just finishing up, and I don't think I have an ounce of "challenge" left in me for the rest of this year! I will join in the fun on the sidelines and cheer you all on though.

I did the Charity challenge last year and was blown away! I discovered that Chris Barcellos is very multi talented, crossing the line into both DV and UWOL forums with ease. The films were all so varied and really fun and I got to meet Lorinda as host!

I hope lots of you sign on, it is so worth it. Please forgive me for sitting by the fire with me feet up enjoying all of your hard work in this fun contest!

All the best,


Chris Swanberg
December 5th, 2009, 11:36 AM
Cat... make two hot toddies and pull up an extra seat for me in front of the fire. While I didn't run that final gauntlet in the LF, I AM still working on it as I can, and the other things that have intruded into preventing my finish still are at work in my life, so I too shall be on the sielines - I will offer my buddy Chris Barcllos a hand on sound or whatever if he asks, but that willl be the limit on my participation this year I fear.

Chris S.

Meryem Ersoz
December 5th, 2009, 12:25 PM
Those of you who are too tired to participate can still throw a few bucks in the charity kitty, if you wouldn't mind...doesn't have to be a lot, it all adds up, seeing more players throwing in a little means more to me than a few players throwing in a lot...

To donate to the charity pool, simply decide how much you'd like to kick in, and PayPal it to us at We'll promptly add your name to the donors list at the end of this post, as well as keep a running total of the charity pool.

When the winner is chosen, he or she will get to donate the entire pool, in their name, to the charity of their choice. What a great holiday gift to be able to give to those in need!

If when sending a charity donation, you could send a quick email at the same time it would be much appreciated! Send your email to

Last year, the Charity money went to saving the wildlife in Norway, I'd love it if UWOLers could step up, win this thing again, and do something good for this little ball of dirt that we are all riding around on, together...for the planet!

Chris Barcellos
December 5th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Some of the shooters on the DV Challenge side are taking this pretty serious....

Unauthorized DV Charity Challenge Promo on Vimeo

Meryem Ersoz
December 5th, 2009, 02:47 PM
that's a pretty funny throwdown, I just hope that the Norwegians can grasp the 'marican gangster dialect! Will Per Johan even recognize his name spoken in faux-Sicilian-American?

Trond Saetre
December 5th, 2009, 03:26 PM
HAHA, Chris, that was hilarious!
Meryem, the vikings understand it :)

Lorinda Norton
December 5th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Hey Cat, we'll miss seeing a film from you this time but will enjoy your cheers, comments and critiques!

It's sooooo cold tonight--I just got in from doing some shooting. That fire of yours sounds VERY nice right now. :)

Catherine Russell
December 6th, 2009, 11:36 AM
O.K. all!

I've just put my money where my mouth is and have chipped in to the Charity Challenge... since I'm relaxing on the sidelines this time around.

Man Chris! After that video of yours... I'm glad I'm sitting this round out... the DV side of the contest looks like NOTHING to mess around with! Yikes!

Lorinda, Hi! We are freezing our little touches off around here in Colorado as well. Seems we are sharing the same Arctic air mass that has graced the states this past week. I think last year's theme: C O L D would be most appropriate this time around!

Cheers to the Challenge! Don't let "Shorty" scare ya, and get those films in!


Dale Guthormsen
December 6th, 2009, 01:08 PM

come 900 miles north, it is a little cvooler yet. Finally some nice winter weather.


After that challenge how could one say no!! Perhaps we could get some IcE Nomes.

Being more of a camera guy than a film maker I was going to pass this one by, but maybe I will give it a try.

I too, like Cat, am a little on the burnt side of things.

Trond Saetre
December 6th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Good to have one more uwol'er in the uwol/dvc challenge.

But you are wrong on one thing, you are way more than "only a camera guy". You are a great film maker, and that goes for all the uwol friends we have here too!
Your films are the proof of that.

I like your spirit, telling the DVC folks you are only a camera guy so they won't count on you... and then you deliver yet another great film as usual. :)

And to all our UWOL friends, hurry up and sign up for the challenge!
Still a few days more you can relax after the longform, before it all starts.

Chris Barcellos
December 6th, 2009, 02:33 PM

come 900 miles north, it is a little cvooler yet. Finally some nice winter weather.


After that challenge how could one say no!! Perhaps we could get some IcE Nomes.

Being more of a camera guy than a film maker I was going to pass this one by, but maybe I will give it a try.

I too, like Cat, am a little on the burnt side of things.

Remember the Rule: Have fun. And hopefully you will win for your favorite charity too !

Steve Siegel
December 6th, 2009, 04:55 PM
I dunno 'bout da resta youse guys, but my little tweety boids ain't gonna do no better den da knomes and squoills. I'll just have ta put in a coupla bucks and watch from da sidelines. Hey Cat, where did ya put da sofa? At least I get to be one a da judges. Haha.

Oliver Pahlow
December 12th, 2009, 07:58 PM
Wow Meryem, ........

Meryem Ersoz
December 16th, 2009, 10:41 AM
wow? what'd I do?

Trond Saetre
December 16th, 2009, 10:44 AM
What you have done Meryem?
Without you, there wouldn't be any UWOL Challenge!

So a big THANK YOU Meryem!! :)
And happy holiday season.

Meryem Ersoz
December 16th, 2009, 11:00 AM
<<Without you, there wouldn't be any UWOL Challenge!>>

actually, Trond, it's the other way all (uwol) are the heart of it all. I'm just the delivery system.

but back atcha, buddy. I hope you stay warm, have a great holiday season, spend time with the ones you love...

...and stay away from faulty Russian missiles and marauding aliens!

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