Nik Skjoth
December 3rd, 2009, 09:50 PM
Im in the lookout for a sorts of playback device which would be suitable for live event intercuts. Such as " and here is a message from our sponsors" or "and the nominees are" Bam the video plays on the big screen.
More specificly I would like the device to have a layout which mimics a visual sampler like i.e. P-10 Visual Sampler ( with the option to load up a bunch of video clips that can be played back with a push of a button.
The unit should prefferably accept various file types, such as H264 mp4 or mpeg2 in high quality SD or HD formats.
Any suggestions?
Battle Vaughan
December 3rd, 2009, 10:02 PM
Here's a company that I have had limited experience with, you can download an interactive demo. There are a number of models of various capbilities and prices:
Broadcast Pix - Home (
A competing manufacturer is here: NewTek TriCaster (
I got a chance to play with both of these products, and the broadcast pix one was purchased for the video studio at the newspaper I used to work for. HTH /Battle Vaughan
Nik Skjoth
December 3rd, 2009, 10:26 PM
Thanks.. Those look big and expensive.. Isn't there anything more "compact"? All I really need is a 3 inch monitor built inside that thing, and 12-16 assign buttons that can enable me to preorganize the clips for ultra quick selection. It should definitelly not be much bigger than the EDIROL P-10 and without any computer hookups.
Infact I would go for the P-10 if only it had european Video standard resolutions. Their specs say 640x480 only.. Had it been a bit higher and accepted other file types than MJpg it would be perfect.
Battle Vaughan
December 4th, 2009, 01:10 PM
I'll have to leave that answer to someone else, as these are the only switchers with which I'm familiar. Here's a link to an article that may give you some background, but I'm in NTSC-land and don't know what's available for Euro wishes! /bv
Choosing a Video Switcher (
Andy Tejral
December 5th, 2009, 11:04 AM
Sounds like you want a 'VJ' type of device. There are some vj forums like VJForums - Powered by vBulletin ( (oddly enough!). They might have a better idea of what's out there.