Jeff Baker
December 2nd, 2009, 04:22 PM
Hi I just received a panasonic ag-hmc150 today along with cineform neohd. I have downloaded the latest neohd version and activated.
I am trying to figure out what the best remaster workflow and ppro CS4 sequence settings should be?
(not a final cut user)
Jay Friesen
December 2nd, 2009, 07:26 PM
See here: Adobe, Mac, Cineform, Project Presets, MXO, etc. Jay Friesen’s Blog (
David knows I posted that (at least I told him I did to check the info) and didn't respond so I'm pretty sure I'm accurate. You may not be terribly happy with the performance. I don't know that there's much difference between NeoScene (which I'm using) and NeoHD save for First Light (which is awesome).
David told me a couple days ago that the CS4 importer for Mac isn't due out until next year; he didn't say when. Until then, we're not going to have any CS4 project presets on Mac.
Hope that helps.
Jeff Baker
December 3rd, 2009, 08:39 AM
Thanks Jay!
I know premiere pro for mac is a minority, but I find it's workflow so much more useful and intuitive than final cut is when using all of the adobe video products together. I hope cineform continues to support premiere on the mac soon.
Jeff Baker
December 3rd, 2009, 09:46 AM
See here: Adobe, Mac, Cineform, Project Presets, MXO, etc. Jay Friesen’s Blog (
David knows I posted that (at least I told him I did to check the info) and didn't respond so I'm pretty sure I'm accurate. You may not be terribly happy with the performance. I don't know that there's much difference between NeoScene (which I'm using) and NeoHD save for First Light (which is awesome).
David told me a couple days ago that the CS4 importer for Mac isn't due out until next year; he didn't say when. Until then, we're not going to have any CS4 project presets on Mac.
Hope that helps.
Hi Jay,
I shot some test 720p24 footage from my panasonic ag-hmc150 this morning.
I remastered the footage with cineform into dvcprohd and the CF 422 cineform codec.
I imported the native .MTS files and the others into Premiere CS4 and created sequences for each.
Premeire's avchd preset was the only sequence that did not produce a yellow line above the footage in the timeline. The yellow line above my dvcprohd and CF 422 sequences means that I that some setting does not match the footage but that real-time playback may still be possible.
Both the dvcprohd preset and my cf 422 custom settings played back slightly better than the the native .MTS file with the adobe avchd preset. I have not tried adding any filters to the footage to see how that affects performance yet.
I have attached the screen shot of my CF 422 settings so others can chime in on if they are right.
Jay Friesen
December 3rd, 2009, 06:22 PM
Jeff, unfortunately, you'll get a yellow line and RT playback is going to stink. It's inevitable until they get the Mac importer out, but after talking with CF, it's a CS4 issue (naturally). My testing suggests what Cineform recommends: A Desktop preset rendering to i-Frame only.
It maybe in my head, but the Red plugin (free on RED / Index ( allows you to set your program window to as little as 1/16th resolution. It helps, but it's not perfect. My 8-core doesn't struggle as much with playback of the Cineform material as my MBP does.
It's an Adobe issue, if you play back the CF files, they're fine in QT. Anyway, you won't get any legit RT playback of Cineform files. Not everyone is happy with the performance, I'm fine with it as the quality of the codec for me is more important than edit capability.
Alternatively you could edit a proxy file and when finished, link your master footage back up to the CF masters...
Tomaso Perrone
December 4th, 2009, 11:06 AM
Such a shame - the CS4 suite is great to work with. I may have to (hangs head) go back to windows... either with a new i7 machine or (dare I say it) bootcamp
AVI on Mac pls