View Full Version : Gain - Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free

Jason Selmes
December 2nd, 2009, 04:29 AM
Hi Guys,

Ok so I have a Sony HVR-Z5P. Ive shot some stuff lately and havebeen getting used to the camera. I cant get rid of this grain on my images!!! I am capturing mpeg2 off the camera HDV footage.

Is there a way to get rid off the grain? I am not to familiar with the setting of the camera yet but i just read in another post.....(see below comment)

"Go into camera settings in the AGC setting and limit your gain to 12d"

does the above work? I am just a little disappointed with the quality off the camera thus far. I know its not the camera but my settings. Do you guys have any tips to help me out?

thanks all my DV info friends

Perrone Ford
December 2nd, 2009, 07:21 AM
1. Turn off AGC
2. Manually set gain to 0
3. Add light to get proper exposure

Voila! No grain.

Adam Gold
December 2nd, 2009, 11:49 AM
Did you try AGC Limit? It works flawlessly. Any gain below 12dB is virtually grain-less.

Of course, if you can afford to shoot without any gain at all, manual gain at 0 is the best way and the only way to assure you are completely grain-free.

Stelios Christofides
December 2nd, 2009, 02:45 PM
Jason I set gain to 12db (as Adam says) and never have any grain since. Beautiful pictures!!!


Jason Selmes
December 2nd, 2009, 10:03 PM
Did you try AGC Limit? It works flawlessly. Any gain below 12dB is virtually grain-less.

Of course, if you can afford to shoot without any gain at all, manual gain at 0 is the best way and the only way to assure you are completely grain-free.

Hi guys,

Thanks for the replys. Yes i just changed it yesterday afternoon but havent shot any footage yet.

If you look at my glidetrack test you can see the grain. Dam near annoying for a PAL camera that cost me $6,500 aussie dollars.. lol...

When i get home i will double check the AGC limit but im 100% sure i changed it yesterday to 12db

Jason Selmes
December 2nd, 2009, 10:07 PM
Jason I set gain to 12db (as Adam says) and never have any grain since. Beautiful pictures!!!


Brillaint. I expect some grain but i was filming a seminar 2 weeks ago in well lit confrenernce room on auto and still got grain....

check out this video of my glidetrack. Even vimeo is showing some grain even with effects. This was only a test of the glidetrack... very excited to use it this weekend

GlideTrack Test on Vimeo

Ron Wilber
December 3rd, 2009, 04:21 PM
all cams have grain. what I see in your video looks standard camcorder to me. If you're really picky about grain like I am, then you will set your gain level to -6 at all times. Gain at 0db is still too grainy for my taste.

Jason Selmes
December 3rd, 2009, 04:48 PM
Hi Ron,

thanks for the advice. I set my AGC or whatever it is on the camera to 12db and shot some footage last night with it. I think the results were awesome and alot better than what i was getting before.

It was 7:00pm at night and its daylight savings here I had ok light and got good results.

im pretty happy at the moment... Lets see how we go for the wedding i have tomorow