Daniel Ridicki
November 28th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Just wanted to share this. I have just purchased and used Digital Heaven Reincarnation plug in for FCP that is designed for correcting dead pixels on the camera sensor. I had some nasty dust specks on a few shots I wanted to use but could not on account of the dust specks. The pug in completely corrected my shots to the extent that they can be used as if there were never any problem with them.
Plug in is very simple to use and very efficient. It is limited to cover area of 8 X 8 pixels, which was sufficient in my case.
Hope this will help to others as it helped me.
Nigel Barker
December 13th, 2009, 06:22 AM
Thanks very much for that info which may prove very useful the next time that I find footage ruined with dust specks.
I took a look at the Digital Heaven website & there are some other useful plugins & software. I bought the WhipPan & Subtitle Plug-ins that are just perfect for a project that my wife is in the middle of editing. Plug-ins | Digital Heaven - The Hottest Tools for the Coolest Apps (http://www.digitalheaven.co.uk/plugins) I also couldn't resist the bargain offer price on the Loader application that should help us be a little more methodical in the way we set up directory trees for Final Cut projects Digital Heaven - The Hottest Tools for the Coolest Apps (http://www.digitalheaven.co.uk/loader)
Daniel Ridicki
December 13th, 2009, 11:07 AM
I was so thrilled to have saved a few of great shots that were ruined by dust, that I thought there would be more guys with the same problem.
I was shooting in India and in the course of changing lenses I have obviously got some dust specks on my chip, that I only noticed after downloading clips to my computer. Some of the shots were irreplaceable and I was quite desperate for it. So, I posted this info believing it would help other guys.
I must also say that guys from Digital Heaven provide just great support.
Thanks for sharing your experience with DH. I will also buy their subtitle plug in, to subtitle the documentary I am producing at the moment. Good to know you are happy with it.
Luc De Wandel
December 13th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Just want to warn some fellow 5D-enthousiasts here: not only changing lenses can get dirt on the sensor. Also using zoom lenses like the 24-105, which is frequently sold in a package with the 5D MkII, can get you in trouble: the construction of this zoom works like a vacuum cleaner and each zoom operation will suck dust into your camera! I use my cams in very dusty surroudings for still photography, mainly with this lens, and I'v spent a fortune on cleaning swabs.