View Full Version : XL2 Settings??

Mat Grimes
June 27th, 2005, 02:22 PM
Hey, I got my XL2 about a week ago, ive been messing around with the settings trying to get them the best they can be. I also have a GL2 and my gl2 quality seems better than my XL2 quality.

Here are my settings:

AE Shift: 0
Frame Rate: 30p
Gain DB: 0

...Skin D. Set...
Hue: 0
Chroma: All the way to the right
Area: All the way to the left
Y Level: All the way to the right
Skin Detail: Off

...Preset Setup...

Gamma: Cine
Knee: Middle
Black: Press

Color Matrix: Cine
Color Gain: +3
Color Phase: +4

R Gain: 0
G Gain: 0
B Gain: 0

V Detail: Normal
Sharpness: 0
Coring: 0

Setup Level: 0
Master Ped: 0
NR: Middle

If anyone can help me out, and tell me your settings, id appreciate it. And should I shoot in 24p or 30p?

Patrick King
June 27th, 2005, 02:56 PM
It seems the really experienced XL2 users on this forum closely guard their setup data. But really we just need to know what effect you're trying to set up. Are you looking for 'film' type imagery, or trying to match your XL2 to your GL2, or are you looking for something else?

Check out the this thread ( where I'm trying to get everyone to share their setups; so far the response isn't overwhelming.

Also check out Matt Cherry's form for recording settings: Most Excellent Setup Sheet (

If you'll try and explain what you're trying to accomplish, someone here might be able to talk you through tweaking your settings.

Mat Grimes
June 27th, 2005, 03:06 PM
Id like the film look to it. Im feeling outdoor mostly action sports like skateboarding. If anyone can help, id appreciate it.

Ash Greyson
June 27th, 2005, 03:21 PM
It all depends... you should develop the 3 custom looks based on situations you find yourself in most often. I have one for outdoor in the sun, one for indoor with plenty of light and one for indoor with not enough light.

The same goes for 30P vs 24p vs 60i.... 30P is a nice mode but wont transfer well to film or PAL.

The GL2 is a much easier camera to operate and out of the box will give you a better look. The LCD is also better IMHO. But with skilled operation, the XL2 can look incredible and produces the best 16:9 from an 1/3" CCD camera on the market...

I will dig up my settings later but some of yours seem a little off... if you want a saturated look, you should not go with the cine settings. The XL2 produces broadcast safe colors in general, not the super-saturated colors often seen in DV cams. The color info is there and can be bumped in post...

ash =o)

Ash Greyson
June 27th, 2005, 03:24 PM
Skate video? First, you need a wide adapter, fisheye or the 3X lens... after that, try bumping up the shutter, 30P should be great for skate videos, I would stick with that. I would mainly use the high shutter on close-ups unless you decide you like the look. I will come up with a setting for you tonight that should work...

ash =o)

Mat Grimes
June 27th, 2005, 09:46 PM
That would be amazing, thank you very much in advance!

Mat Grimes
June 30th, 2005, 02:16 PM
Top...Can Anyone Help Me??

Chris Hurd
July 4th, 2005, 10:53 PM
Matt, I'm not really sure what you're asking. The only question I could find is "should I shoot in 24p or 30p?" and the answer to that is it's entirely up to you. Experiment with the different frame rates and choose the look you like best. That's what it's all about.

Ash Greyson
July 5th, 2005, 01:35 PM
Sorry for the delay... based on the grab you sent me, go with this. If it is not saturated enough for you, I would do further saturation in post as this setting is already pushing the legal limits. I recommend manual warm white balance to grey and using the ND filters or shutter to control light and add effect. If you like the high shutter effect I would bump that as high as possible, outside in the sun you should be able to get above 4000. I do not recommend this setting for everyday use as you will lose all detail in shadows, but it works good for fast action sports stuff outdoors...

ash =o)

Skin Detail: OFF

Frame Rate: 30P

Gain: -3dB

WB: warm

Gamma: Cine
Knee: High
Black: Press

Color Matrix: Cine
Color Gain: +3
Color Phase: +2

R Gain: +2
G Gain: 0
B Gain: +3

V Detail: low
Sharpness: +3
Coring: 0

Setup Level: -6
Master Ped: -6
NR: off

Eniola Akintoye
July 6th, 2005, 08:46 PM
Do you have an example of a footage that has the settings you just posted?

Ash Greyson
July 6th, 2005, 10:17 PM
Here are a couple grabs with a similar setting...

ash =o)

July 7th, 2005, 03:05 PM

Those are nice shots, thanks for taking the time to post them.

Which lens were you using on your XL2? I just got mine a few days ago and received my 16x manual lens yesterday so this has been a very helpful thread for me as well. Thanks.

Ash Greyson
July 7th, 2005, 04:20 PM
I do a lot of handlheld so I use the 20X and 3X lenses most the time. I do have a 16X manual but with no image stabilization, it it only good for tripod use. I also have a Century Fish-eye I use when appropriate.

I have a custom setting I use for getting a fine focus, I will post it later...

ash =o)

Mat Grimes
July 8th, 2005, 10:56 AM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to post the quality I got after Ash helped me out with my settings.

Once again, thanks ash, I appreciate it.

Ash Greyson
July 8th, 2005, 01:52 PM
Great job Matt, pretty close to the grab you sent me. Get a wide angle lens or adapter and go to town! Remember a wide will let in more light and it is best to slighlty under-expose than to over-expose... Best of luck...

ash =o)