View Full Version : MovieTube with Sony HDV FX1

Christopher Haering
June 27th, 2005, 06:00 AM
hi guys,
a week ago i have been shooting the new glasshouse (german soul act) video with the Sony HDV FX1 and the MovieTube. the pictures turned out to be really homogeneous, more than with the P+S adapter. But unfortunately the MovieTube swallows a lot of light. You need much more light than with the P+S adapter. i think 1 stop ..... perhaps 2 stops..?

- Color Correction: Final Cut Pro
- Lens: Arri Ultra Primes

under the following link can you the result look at.

best regards
chrisopher haering

Imran Zaidi
June 27th, 2005, 07:29 AM
Hey that looks great! Well shot and establishes the atmosphere successfully. HD and a 35mm adapter and the darn thing looks just like film. I'd challenge any average viewer to be able to tell the difference.

Also I can't understand a word of it but the song seems really nice. Does the group have a web site?

Christopher Haering
June 27th, 2005, 08:42 AM
hi guys,
under the following link you can see the MovieTube in comparison to the P+S Image Converter.

P+S Image Converter with Sony HDV FX1:
some images are shots without P+S Image Converter, for example: the BBQ szene
( Artist Homepage: )

MovieTube with Sony HDV FX1:
( Artist Homepage: )

best regards
christopher haering

Sean M Lee
June 27th, 2005, 09:40 AM
those are some nice looking shots. How much $ does that kit run?

Alex Raskin
June 27th, 2005, 12:44 PM
Hi Christopher, question:

Almost constant vignetting in the German-language video shot with MovieTube - is it a result of the MovieTube limitations or purely an artistic design?

Christopher Haering
June 27th, 2005, 03:02 PM
Hi Christopher, question:

Almost constant vignetting in the German-language video shot with MovieTube - is it a result of the MovieTube limitations or purely an artistic design?

hi alex,
the vignett is a post effect - a artistic design :-))

Michael Stewart
June 27th, 2005, 07:41 PM
Hi Christopher, great work. Did you quicktime encode this from the timeline? what settings did you use?, great job, thanks for sharing.
