View Full Version : Trailer for Troll Bridge

Daniel Knight
November 21st, 2009, 12:41 AM
Hi guys,

Here is a trailer for a short film I'm currently working on called Troll Bridge.

We shot it over three days, and captured footage with two EX1s, an EX3 and even a few sneaky shots with an FX1. It was a mammoth task, and a lot of sweat and blood went into it.

Hope you enjoy!

Vimeo - Troll Bridge Teaser Trailer (

Daniel Knight
December 16th, 2009, 04:57 PM
For the leads, the costumes were specifically created by our costume department, while the army supplied their own. We recruited from about half a dozen historical reenactment groups who's members had their own armour and weapons and such. We knocked up some cheap tabbards to throw over the top and voilą! Instant army!