View Full Version : California Limits TV Power Consumption
Jon Fairhurst November 18th, 2009, 09:45 PM The California Energy Commission approved TV power regulation today. Even though there were hundreds of pages of comments, not one word was modified.
Not only does the regulation limit power consumption, it has other language that forces TVs to go into "standby passive" mode when the user hits the power button on the TV or the remote. This means that if your TV has a hard drive DVR, it has to stop recording your show when the TV goes off.
The scope of the rules is not clear. It could potentially affect monitors used for broadcasting, post production, and conformance.
The darker side of California's new TV wattage limits | Technology | Los Angeles Times (
The CEC had the option to offer 15-day language with improvements, but chose not to do so.
Bob Diaz November 19th, 2009, 11:38 AM I am so angry with the California Energy Commission (CEC); California has the LOWEST energy usage per household of any of the states in the Union, BUT the retards at the CEC still want to impost more restrictive standards on us.
U.S. Per Capita Electricity Use By State In 2005 (
Then they have the gall to tell us that this is going to save us money and offer better products. No way, this is going to cost us more and give us TVs with lower brightness levels that won't look as good. This is what we get for voting for stupid liberals who put bone head environments on the CEC.
Try this, do a search on the term, "Global Cooling" and you'll see that the news media is feeding us lies about Global Warming. If "Global Warming" is real, then why has the Earth not gotten warmer for the past 11 years? Why has 2007, 2008, and 2009 shown a drop in the temperature? Why is it that 1/2 the scientific papers published in the Scientific Journals say the change in temperature is due to emissions from the sun, NOT CO2?
These types of rules have NOTHING to do about "saving the Earth", it has to do with CONTROLLING THE MASSES. Here's what's coming next....
Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance' - Telegraph (
Netherlands to levy 'green' road tax by the kilometre (
Bob Diaz
Jon Fairhurst November 19th, 2009, 01:56 PM This is probably not the place to start a liberal vs. conservative discussion.
Note that the it was Commissioner Julia Levin who led the October hearing on the topic and was one of the strongest advocates. Commissioner Levin was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Personally, I have as much a problem with the process as the decision. I've been involved in standards development for more than 20 years. I was the project leader of the IEC TV power measurement standard.
Normally, a group will publish drafts, receive comments, and work hard to implement changes to address complaints and gain consensus. For the IEC measurement standard we published the draft proposal, the initial committee draft, the committee draft for voting, the final draft to the IEC central office, before the published document was issued. Pretty much anybody who offered a proposal for improved language at each step got some of their language in the standard. The standard passed without opposition on an international vote.
Contrast that with the CEC actions. They publish 45-day language as the first public draft. They receive hundreds of pages of comments. The commissioners approve the draft with zero changes.
As a "process guy", I'm appalled.
Rather than a problem with political ideology, it seems a problem of perceived infallibility.
Jon Fairhurst November 20th, 2009, 05:53 PM This article takes a more optimistic view of the CEC rules:
A Look at California’s New TV Energy Regs - Gadgetwise Blog - (
Even though many TVs pass the power requirements, I know of no TV on the market that meets all of minor requirements imposed by the CEC. Because of poor wording, every TV sold in California will need to be re-engineered to some degree.
Disclaimer: I work for Sharp Labs of America and was the project leader of the IEC measurement standard mentioned at the end of the article. Bill Schindler, who is interviewed, also contributed to the standard. I edited and authored the TV Power measurement discs, which IEC calls “the world’s most boring DVD and Blu-ray disc.” ;)
Brian Luce November 21st, 2009, 02:49 AM . I edited and authored the TV Power measurement discs, which IEC calls “the world’s most boring DVD and Blu-ray disc.” ;)
Is there a Director's Cut version of that available yet?
Jon Fairhurst November 21st, 2009, 03:23 PM I'm still working on the director's commentary.
The composer's commentary is complete. "I felt that a 1kHz tone would best define the emotional intent of the story..." ;)
Honestly, I should produce a trailer. :)