View Full Version : Performance of AVCCAM Transcoding....

Kaleem Maxwell
November 17th, 2009, 11:32 AM
The 150 is one of the cameras I'm thinking of buying and I know there's a bit of a time cost when transcoding into an Intra-Frame codec for use with FCP?

How is it when doing that with a MacBook Pro Core2 2.4 ghz and which Intra-Frame Codec do you use that gives you a good balance between speed and quality when it comes to editing?

As far as I heard, there's Apple ProRes, DVCProHD and NeoScene.

So for an hour of AVCCAM footage, how long would I expect it would take to convert to these three?


Marc S. Brown
November 17th, 2009, 10:01 PM
I have a Panasonic HMC150 Demo DVD that I got from my local video association meeting. It contains 10 raw AVCHD files of the Golden Gate Bridge that a HMC150 shot that a person can import them into their own NLE for testing.

I am running an iMac 2.66 core 2Duo, 2GB RAM, using FCS2. The trans code time to the ProRes 4:2:2 was really about real time, meaning a 10 second clip took about 10 seconds to trans code and so on.

Honestly I was kinda shocked. I even burned a DVD of the footage and it all went pretty quick and looks good.

I hope to get this Camera before too long...

Robert Turchick
November 21st, 2009, 12:21 AM
two friends of mine run relatively new core 2 duos (one MBP and one imac) they have both taken footage from my camera and transcoded to pro res. About real time for them. My 8-core MP cuts it to about 1/3 real time. Pro res is really nice to edit with and looks great!