View Full Version : Destroying a Computer Server in Slow Motion - Red 4K, Sony EX1, Casio EX-F1

Jeremiah Warren
November 17th, 2009, 10:22 AM
YouTube - Shooting & Blowing up a Computer Server in Slow Motion #serverfailure - RED 4K & Casio EX-F1 [In HD] (

This is a promo video for a company based near Dallas, TX. They do disaster data recovery and backup. I used the Casio EX-F1 for the 600fps footage, a DoP had his RED 4K shooting at 120fps, and I had a consumer Canon camera for the close up shots near the server as it's getting hit.

It was a very exciting project to work on. There are a lot of things I would do differently, but you learn from experience.


Rob Evans
November 17th, 2009, 11:58 AM
Wish I could do that to a few servers at work :-)

Justin Tomchuk
November 17th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Certainly looks like an interesting film shoot.

Daniel Bates
November 17th, 2009, 06:36 PM
Like one of the commenters, I thought the service would recover data from the server. The ad confused me a bit - the server was completely destroyed, so how would the disaster recovery company help? Restoring a server from a backup isn't a task exclusively performed by any company, though data recovery is.

Ryan Hansen
January 9th, 2010, 11:58 PM
Dude, If business is ever slow, I'm sure there is a niche in the market for actually shooting and blowing up servers, I know Ive got 10+ everyday I think about throwing them of the top floor of the building :)

Nice shoot, I wish I had all that gear at my disposal...