craig veasey
November 12th, 2009, 09:16 AM
Hi all,
Just finishing of my first wedding video and i have all the menu's present and correct.. I've done a play all button following a great tutorial but i would like an intro movie just showing the business name to come up before the main menu.. I've tried everything but cant seem to figure it.. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
Greg Boston
November 12th, 2009, 10:09 AM
That segment is called 'first play'. It's what you see when the DVD is first inserted and the menu button is locked out for that time period. It's typically where you place the FBI Copyright notices, etc.
I know DVDSP supports it because I've used it. Not at the Mac right now though so you might have to search on it in the manual.
Edward Carlson
November 12th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Create a new track and put you intro movie in it. In the graphical display tab of your project, right click on the track, and click First Play.
Robert Lane
November 12th, 2009, 10:38 AM
Setting the "first play" option is very easy in DVDSP4 and there is more than one way to accomplish it. (see screenshots) You can:
1. Right (option) click on a graphical menu item and use the pulldown menu to select first play. You'll then notice a small circular icon in the upper-left corner of the graphic menu item which indicates that menu is the "first play" item.
2. Use the "Connections" property list menu to create a firstplay item
3. Select first play in the main menu
A first play item is just a normal menu that's been given first-play priority and by default has limited controls available or can have full controls depending on how you've set it up in the inspector.
By default, when you open a new DVDSP4 project you get a single graphical menu item that is already "first play" and one graphical track item to point your second asset to.
You can only have (1) "first play" menu per disc, otherwise it's treated just as any other menu item.
You'll notice in the large-scale graphic overview I've included that once the First Play menu has been played there is no navigation back to it. That was a design preference for that project, and not a limitation in the FP menu item itself. Generally FP items are for disclaimers, copyrights or other information that you don't necessarily want to repeat during the users play of the disc. However if you're creating a cool intro for your DVD and want the users to be able to replay that intro, it's just as easy to setup navigating back to it just as any other menu or track item.
I strongly suggest you read the supplied "help" manuals that came with your version of FCS/DVDSP4 or, pick up the highly recommended Apple Pro Training series book on DVDSP4 which has well-rounded tutorials on everything you need to fully author your DVD to proper spec.
Welcome to the forums.
craig veasey
November 12th, 2009, 01:08 PM
wow thanks everybody for the quick replies.. I'll get on it tonight and have a play...