View Full Version : Retrieving clips from a formatted DR HD100..

Jamon Lewis
November 11th, 2009, 10:34 PM
I formatted my DR HD1000 and realized that I didn't copy al the clips to my hard drive. Has anybody had any experience retrieving clips from a formatted DR HD100?

Joseph A. Benoit
November 13th, 2009, 10:49 PM
I use a Dr HD100 on my 110 .
once you format the DR HD 100 all the data/clips is erase on the drive


Tim Dashwood
November 14th, 2009, 10:41 AM

Have you tried scanning the HD with any HD recovery software. If you haven't written to the drive since the format there is a very good chance you can recover it.

Are you Mac or PC?

Jamon Lewis
November 15th, 2009, 02:20 AM

I have scanned the drive and the amount of data that I erased is showing up so I'm looking good at this point. I did know not to record to the drive since the format since I wanted to recover the files, I'lll keep you posted thanks for the reply. I using a mac.

Tim Dashwood
November 15th, 2009, 09:10 AM
A few months ago I discovered a great Mac recovery app called Stellar Phoenix.
Stellar Phoenix (

You can use the free demo to determine if the files are there to be recovered.

I used it to recover some files from a hard drive that was dropped while on. It's worth the $99.

Jamon Lewis
November 16th, 2009, 01:38 AM
It's funny because that's what I have been using but tell me this are you using it with a mac or pc and with what os? I see that there is about 28 gigs worth of stuff to be recovered but it's taken for ever like over 14 hours to scan and seems like it will never finish... How long did it take to scan and what os are you running? I actually stopped it while it was looking for broken files and tried to recover what it had scanned up until that point, it gave me alot of the files (as far as names and file size) but when i went to recover all the files ended up being 33kb with no info.. I'm running 8 core intel with Snow Leopard.

Tim Dashwood
November 16th, 2009, 08:35 AM
I was using Leopard so maybe there is a conflict with Snow Leopard and that software?

Files that were intact seemed to be recovered quickly, but I had physical drive damage so some things were very slow, yet mostly successful.

John Mitchell
November 16th, 2009, 06:25 PM
It's funny because that's what I have been using but tell me this are you using it with a mac or pc and with what os? I see that there is about 28 gigs worth of stuff to be recovered but it's taken for ever like over 14 hours to scan and seems like it will never finish... How long did it take to scan and what os are you running? I actually stopped it while it was looking for broken files and tried to recover what it had scanned up until that point, it gave me alot of the files (as far as names and file size) but when i went to recover all the files ended up being 33kb with no info.. I'm running 8 core intel with Snow Leopard.

Once you format a drive the recovery software has to scan the drive sector by sector to build the recovery image. On a firewire drive I can imagine this will take a long while. Patience...

Joseph A. Benoit
November 28th, 2009, 08:58 PM
Sorry Jamon:
I was wrong
About retrieving data after formatting the dr hd 100
sorry about the bad advice.
Tim Dashwood is the best if there is a way
Tim will find it.
thanks Guys