Morgan Cox
November 10th, 2009, 09:13 AM
Hey guys,
I am brand new to the forum, so my apologies if this is in the wrong section. I currently use a XHA1 and a HV30 and want to share my final cut with you guys. It's from earlier in the summer, and was my first cut using the cameras and newer editing techniques, but I am satisfied with the results. Let me know what you guys think!
Grassroots Drifting: Triple Threat II Drift Event Round 2 on Vimeo
Allan Black
November 10th, 2009, 03:59 PM
Morgan, great effort. I liked the camera work and the editing to the music. Opening titles would help set it up and I'd like the hear more from the cars in the mix. Is the music copyright tho. Cheers.
Tripp Woelfel
November 10th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't get it to play smoothly so I didn't watch it all. Odd since I haven't had problems with Vimeo in ages.
I think you should be happy with it. It's nicely done. I think that next time you might look into different and unusual camera positions and angles, but I know it's an evolving learning curve. I've been shooting racing for two years and have learned a lot in that time. The more you shoot the more it will come to you.
The one glaring thing I did notice is the in-car stuff was just wrong. You fell victim to the dreaded CMOS rolling shutter effect. Until there are CMOS sensors that don't have that problem all of my in-car cameras will have CCD chips. No issues with that but they are SD. You have to pick your own poison on that one.
Morgan Cox
November 11th, 2009, 08:26 AM
Morgan, great effort. I liked the camera work and the editing to the music. Opening titles would help set it up and I'd like the hear more from the cars in the mix. Is the music copyright tho. Cheers.
Thanks Allan,
Yeah the music is copyrighted, but this was more of a practice thing for me and also that particular song just hit me the right way. I tried contacting the band and sent them a clip, but I didn't get a response. It wasn't a paid shoot for me, so I figured there wouldn't be any harm. I thought about opening titles, but I used the titles from the van "Southeast Drift" and the car vinyl "Triple Threat II" for that. I guess to the unknown viewer it isn't clear, but of course all the guys into drifting in the southeast knew what it was. I am going to try and find more creative ways to get the message across to alll viewers. Thanks for you comments.
Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't get it to play smoothly so I didn't watch it all. Odd since I haven't had problems with Vimeo in ages.
I think you should be happy with it. It's nicely done. I think that next time you might look into different and unusual camera positions and angles, but I know it's an evolving learning curve. I've been shooting racing for two years and have learned a lot in that time. The more you shoot the more it will come to you.
The one glaring thing I did notice is the in-car stuff was just wrong. You fell victim to the dreaded CMOS rolling shutter effect. Until there are CMOS sensors that don't have that problem all of my in-car cameras will have CCD chips. No issues with that but they are SD. You have to pick your own poison on that one.
Hey Tripp,
I hope there was an issue with Vimeo or something. Yeah, I am going to have to pick my poison, with the in-car stuff, but I have a new mount too that is a lot more secure. The one I used is from eBay and would be better for slower shots, but the newer one may suffice for drifting. I've used a SD JVC for in-car in the past and the disturbance is a whole lot less than with the HV30. I am going to try a different mount and see how that goes. Thanks for your input.
Don Xaliman
November 12th, 2009, 02:35 PM
Nice edit and action to the music. My preference would have been to shoot it less bright. There is too much burn out and those folks with white t-shirts were total burn out along with parts of the cars.
You didn't use auto iris did you?
Morgan Cox
November 13th, 2009, 08:47 AM
I can't say I remember,but I had just gotten the camera a couple of days before, so I think I shot on auto. I think that has more to do with diffusion with Magic Bullet Looks though. I tweaked the blockbuster effect a little, but not the diffusion, so I am almost certain thats what it is. The neon green on the track assistant towards the beginning, I think suffers the same as you mention with the white. Thanks for your input.