View Full Version : Any ideas on what Canon might introduce around CES and NAB 2010

Bill Strehl
November 10th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Since I've own an HV20 I've become aware that Canon seems to make major announcements at CES in January and major/minor announcements in August. I also read one place that Canon tends to introduce the last DIGIC processors in the consumer line, but according to Wikipedia, that honor went to DSLRs instead. Since I can't find any hints about what might be announced in less than 60 days, I thought I would start this thread.

Last year, I found they pre-announced their CES offerings about this time and that those products used the DIGIC III processor. It seems logical that any new product might offer at least a DIGIC IV, but if the first paragraph is true, could that mean a possible DIGIC V camcorder?

Both the XH-G1s and the XH-A1s use a DIGIC II processors, so it seems time for new models.

I don't know all the Canon product announcement cycles, but it seems as if CES and NAB should have new products.

Any thoughts?

Chris Hurd
November 10th, 2009, 11:21 AM
CES = consumer products. In the past, Canon USA has always announced new consumer video and photo products at this show. In my opinion, you can count on them doing it again; in fact you could probably set your watch by it, they're that regular and predictable.

For speculation on their professional line, see

Bill Strehl
November 10th, 2009, 02:23 PM
Thanks Chris. I looked through that thread and saw one mention of Jan. 2010, one for IBC and Jim Martin's Nov. 2 post saying soon.

Does Canon tend to have a similar pattern of announcements for their "professional" line like they do for the consumer line? I couldn't find any pattern, but I am relatively new to following product announcements.

Jim Martin
November 11th, 2009, 05:08 PM
My personal opinion is that Canon's past pro schedule will not be indicative of the future. Technology is changing too fast these days and the design team in Japan is aware of it. I posted in the past that I got to meet with the entire video design team at NAB 08 and, among other things discussed, I made them aware of DVINFO and that there next camera was being designed by the posters on this site. At NAB 09, a few of the team were there and one made a point to tell me that the team was indeed looking and paying attention to this sight.....of course, I said "Where is the new camera?".....and he said "patience Mr. Martin"........

Jim Martin

Battle Vaughan
November 18th, 2009, 01:15 PM
Here's a thought: amid rumours that Canon might abandon the professional camera market, they have recently withdrawn their long-time support of The Digital Journalist, edited by Dirck Halstead of Platypus fame. This site reaches a large number of PJ videographers, both television and newspaper-web, who are the natural constituancy of cameras in the Canon price and feature range. Might be the economy, but it indicates to me that there might be some truth to the stories.../Battle Vaughan

Jim Martin
November 19th, 2009, 05:22 PM
Whom ever started that rumour is on .......Canon is not abandoning anything. They have done some restructuring this year in line with cost cutting (as every other corp has been/is doing). I could go on but.......enough already.

Jim Martin

Battle Vaughan
November 22nd, 2009, 01:43 PM
See Dirck Halstead's site at In a message on Facebook, he states that Canon has withdrawn their support, it is not a rumour. The inference regarding further implications from that fact is my own conjecture. /bv

Peter Moretti
November 23rd, 2009, 01:25 AM
What am I supposed to look at on Dirck's site? I don't see any mention of Canon withdrawing anything.

Battle Vaughan
November 23rd, 2009, 11:12 AM
Sorry, Peter, I wasn't clear, his message was to his large Facebook audience that this might be the last installment of Digital Journalist due to the cutback by Canon.

I was encouraging people to look at the site, which has been a valuable forum and instructional medium for vj people for several years. As a Platypus alumnus, I hate to see it fade away. Dirck is hopeful to revive it with donations or whatever, but my point is that ---in Area 51 tradition--- I read tealeaves in Canon's withdrawal from support of this professional site, whose participants are clearly in their target audience for pro cameras. If they aren't trying to sell to this audience, are they indeed pulling back from this market? Sorry for the confusion. /BV

Jim Martin
November 23rd, 2009, 04:28 PM
Trust me, they are not withdrawing from the professional market.....They may be cutting back on expenses (as everyone else is), but not pulling out of the business.

Jim Martin

Peter Moretti
November 25th, 2009, 03:41 AM
Battle, okay now I follow you... in the tradition of Area 51.

Michael Galvan
November 28th, 2009, 07:19 PM
Since I've own an HV20 I've become aware that Canon seems to make major announcements at CES in January and major/minor announcements in August. I also read one place that Canon tends to introduce the last DIGIC processors in the consumer line, but according to Wikipedia, that honor went to DSLRs instead. Since I can't find any hints about what might be announced in less than 60 days, I thought I would start this thread.

Last year, I found they pre-announced their CES offerings about this time and that those products used the DIGIC III processor. It seems logical that any new product might offer at least a DIGIC IV, but if the first paragraph is true, could that mean a possible DIGIC V camcorder?

Both the XH-G1s and the XH-A1s use a DIGIC II processors, so it seems time for new models.

I don't know all the Canon product announcement cycles, but it seems as if CES and NAB should have new products.

Any thoughts?

Please keep in mind the processors in Canon's camcorders is different than what is in their still cameras.

Their still cameras use DIGIC (which is currently up to DIGIC 4) while their HD camcorders use DIGIC DV (which is currently up to DIGIC DV 3).

XL/XH camcorders all use DIGIC DV 2; it's only their newest VIXIA flash models that use DIGIC DV 3.

Hope this helps.

Bill Strehl
November 29th, 2009, 11:20 AM
Please keep in mind the processors in Canon's camcorders is different than what is in their still cameras.

Their still cameras use DIGIC (which is currently up to DIGIC 4) while their HD camcorders use DIGIC DV (which is currently up to DIGIC DV 3).

XL/XH camcorders all use DIGIC DV 2; it's only their newest VIXIA flash models that use DIGIC DV 3.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for pointing that out! I didn't realize there are two lines of processors.

Chris Hurd
November 29th, 2009, 11:21 AM
That's correct. DIGIC DV is based on DIGIC but they're definitely two separate lines.