View Full Version : Has anyone tried one of these monitors ?

Paul Kellett
November 9th, 2009, 01:50 PM
Like the title says, has anyone tried one of these monitors ?


If so what are your impressions ?
I'm thinking of getting it as a 2nd monitor for my camera, not neccesarily for focus just for framing and stopping directors crowding round my camera monitor.


Andrew Dean
November 9th, 2009, 03:22 PM
Dont know anything about that particular monitor. However, with 234 vertical rez, it looks just like any other low end car-monitor. Too low rez for any focus duties, but fine for rough framing. Unlikely the colors would be very true and it may or may not have adjustable overscan to let you see the true edges of the image.

My biggest beef with monitors like this is that the video input is a dangling wire octopus hanging off the back of the screen. I cant tell from the pictures if thats the case with the hague, but i find the wire octopi to be really unwieldy and rather sloppy looking too. (again, may not apply here).
