Shawn Wright
November 8th, 2009, 05:59 PM
Hopefully next week I will get my 7D.
I have had a portrait studio for over 20 years and I have always wanted to learn to make my own film.
What is a good book or DVD series where a guy can learn what I need to learn. Or at least to get a good jump start.
David Chapman
November 8th, 2009, 06:44 PM
How to use the 7D for filmmaking? Philip Bloom's Training DVD is good, but pricy. Here's the DVInfo review:
Review: Learn Canon 5D Mark II Cinematography with Philip Bloom DVD DV Info Net (
*You might be able to find quite a bit of Philip Bloom tips by just visiting his blog and other online video resources. He did a spot on RedGiant TV, although I don't know what all he covers in the DVD that I haven't seen before.
How to be a filmmaker?
The best book that I have ever read about filmmaking is Robert Rodriguez's "Rebel Without a Cause." You can get it for $10 on Amazon: Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player (9780452271876): Robert Rodriguez: Books (
For general knowledge of frame rates, editing and other, I would get a account for only $25 monthly. I have never cancelled mine as I always go and find something I'm looking for. Much better than book resources. I have all of the Apple Pro Training books, but Lynda has the same information and it's easier to find again.
For lighting, I'm finding to be a great resource. This is all meant for photography, but you can translate the ideas to video well.
Shawn Wright
November 8th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the help.