View Full Version : OT: Creating a New System Disk.

Chuck Spaulding
November 5th, 2009, 07:49 PM
I have a 250GB System disk that is full, I would like to install a 1TB system disk.

How do I create this new system disk? I have "super-Duper" that can clone the 250GB drive to another 250GB Drive, but if I do that don't I lose the other 750GB's? That would be bad.

Sorry for such a basic (and off topic) question. Any help would be appreciated.

Robert Lane
November 6th, 2009, 08:30 AM
You don't mention whether this is a tower or laptop so the "best possible" process would be slightly different for either.

However in short, you can install your new drive and install a fresh copy of the OS (preferably Snow Leopard) onto it. Then during the install process where it asks if you're going to migrate your stuff from an another Mac you can then transfer the old data to the new drive.

OR: Use CCC or Super-Duper to simply copy over the entire image to the newer drive. It's just copying data so the added free space stays exactly as that - it doesn't separate free space into a separate partition.

It's always a good idea to make a clone/backup of your main OS disk before you attempt the migration, just in case things go wonky on you.

David Sholle
November 6th, 2009, 09:39 AM
How do I create this new system disk? I have "super-Duper" that can clone the 250GB drive to another 250GB Drive, but if I do that don't I lose the other 750GB's?

As Robert said, simply use SuperDuper to clone to the larger drive. It will preserve everything, make a bootable drive and give you the added space on the new drive. I have done this multiple times when updating hard drives inside of various MacBook Pros and MacBooks.

Chuck Spaulding
November 6th, 2009, 01:03 PM
Thanks Guys for the information. I wasn't sure if simply cloning the original drive to the larger newer drive would partition it or just place the data on the new drive and leave it partition the way that it is.

I'll give this a try.

Thanks for the feedback.